Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #219839

      Full reality, where the will to receive is transformed into the will to bestow, because complete perception brings us so close to it, we are the same.

    • #219835

      So as to perceive the True Reality, unbounded by the bodily restrictions of the five senses and of time and space themselves. A True Reality which shows the root forces causing what happens in ‘our’ world. With this knowledge one can reunite with the Real Purpose of existence.

    • #219571

      If by reality we mean the neurologic impulses interpreted by our brain, I wish that kabbalah could help me beyond the neurologic impulses. I wish I could be able to sense or even to fully experience the “information” as it truly is, unadulterated by my senses or my biases. That is the “reality” i’d like to experience.

    • #219506

      I want to reach the level of perception that Nature intended for us! Which is a perception of reality as it is, not filtered through bodily functions.

    • #219451
      Innocent Mushiya

      Beyond the five senses,to know the truth beyond what we perceive as reality,and what affects us to perceive the things the way we do…

    • #219402

      To lead beyond illusion of separation in egoism to connection/adhesion with nature where reality is.

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