Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #408253

      Lead me to the perception of the creator. The perception of truth. Allow me to see past differences. Allow me to see who I am! Lead me to the perception of nature.

    • #408240

      We do not know how many layers of reality exists, so being one with creator is impossible unless we find that at the first place. I believe that creator always will stay unknowable, we can get closer and closer to see more realities , but can’t reach to infinity. I expect that Kabbalah teaches me To get to know as much ch as possible techniques , tools to open my 6 sense.

    • #408212

      To define and then refine our 6th sense to better perceive the upper world

    • #408198
      jennifer leigh

      Our awakened senses may lead us to the truth of our reality . The reality that we are as above . We are born with these senses so each individual may need to tune itself to a different frequency in order to hear the right tone of reality and existence . If all our realities are different then that would explain so much. Although ,we all have 5 senses mine is not yours and yours are not mine but we all want to hear the same tune and hum it .

    • #408054

      To Perception Unkown…finding our 6th sense so to speak…

    • #408023

      To find better alignment through my body.

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