Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #294857

      Kabbalah leerde me anders te kijken naar alles wat gbeuet in mijzelf,  mijn omgevin, de wereld. En meer en meer zie ik hoe de kracht van de Creator werkt, non stop  , Alles gebeurt zoals Hij het heeft gepland, gewild  gewenst voor zijn schepping. Mensen met het punt inhet haet, met de wil tot geven, schenken,  beseffen meer dan ooit dat Er is nieamnd dan Hij. Ik voel het in alles wat ik deo, of ervaar   en ben Hem dankbaar

    • #294789
      Tove Jo

      sometimes I have felt that some higher forzes, God has been looking after mi…and guiding mi. Sometimes I could ask something…and as I got it, I tought I must not misuse this power, so I stoped asking …and I went through a time where I felt compleatly alone. Looking back I can see that I have gone through so many different stages, also after I stoped beliving in religion as I understood religion was a trap to keep us small.  Thanks to Kabbalah I will start to think I can be able to feel Him, Her once again 🙂

    • #294584

      Every moment we live our lives oblivious to what our senses neglect to present to us. We have no voluntary action or perception outside of this, and even the action and perception we do have all exists within it.

      This is all we have, and yet we continue about our lives.. wanting and calculating despite what we do not know.

      How we came into wanting the things we want, thinking the thoughts we think, and perceiving the perceptions we are given are all beyond what our senses give to us. And yet we are given them still, and we do have them.

      How I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator is by pondering how all of what we receive moment to moment shares this veiled quality, and by desiring to know and feel that which brought it to me.


    • #294399

      I know there is None Else Besides Him. However knowing and feeling are two different things. I am pretty sure that by the time I finish this course, I will be able to truly feel it.


    • #294388
      Tove Jo

      Mi fa pensare “non ce nient altro oltre a lui” di non giudicare ciò che io potrei pensare come”il male, non giuste, non dovrebbe ecc. ecc.” …ma essere in pace con ciò che e intorno a me o anche nel mondo.  Come posso giudicare quando non so come e perche  o a chi le situazioni servano… chi sono io per dire questo va bene e questo no.. ho troppe cose da apprendere e se mia percezione di dentro di me e come vedo il mondo  ..

    • #293858
      john peter

      The entire reality is the action form the creator I need to receive from him in order to bestow and to develop the tiny point of heart….for everything depends of the important of the giver I have to listen and impressed by the other force in reality for the receiving force is the for the receiving force is the upper force. The point of heart within us shows the inner action it provides the truth to bestow. For the creator is inside of men not men inside the creator

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