
  • #385026

    benzi giertz

    Ask anything about the lesson and materials and get an answer from a KabU senior instructor.

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    • #395455

      Hello! 🙂

      I see two interrogative words to express “to where?” in the vocabulary list of the lesson 8 but I’m not sure if they are correct because they don’t match with Le’an (לְאָן) which was the word we learned in class. Could you please resolve this doubt for me? Attached image.

      Thank you,



      • #395460


        I looked at the vocabulary list for Lesson 8 and saw what you referred to.  I’m quite sure that both those are mistakes, but I will also ask Dr. B.  I think that the words related to “where” that you have learned are:

        איפה  As in:  Where do you live? איפה את גָּרָה?

        לאן  As in: (To) where is she going?  לאן היא הולכת?

        מֵאַיִן (me’ayin) – from where?

        Thanks for pointing that out!

        • #395466

          Thank you very much Rivka 🙂

    • #395233

      Dear Students,

      Please be aware that due to the upcoming shift to winter time (Daylight Saving Time) in Israel, our lessons will continue to follow Israel Standard Time. Since we have students from various parts of the world, some of you may experience a time change while others may not.

      We recommend double-checking the lesson times in your local timezone to ensure you join at the correct time. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.

      Looking forward to seeing you in class!

      Best regards,


    • #395040

      Dear Students,

      Here is a link to the “Master the Hebrew Code: Lesson 10_Content Summary”.  It will also be posted in the Lesson 10 Related Materials within the next day or two.

      I didn’t yet make a content summary for Lesson 9.  I will try to get that ready for you early next week.

      Good luck with all your Hebrew studying!


    • #394140

      Dear Students,

      The webinar for next week will be held on Thursday instead of Wednesday because of the holidays.  It will be held at the same time, 7pm Israel time.

      Have a great week.


    • #393928

      Shalom Friends,

      Our apologies about the webinar last night.  We forgot to reschedule the webinar with you because last night was a holiday and not possible to do the webinar.

      At this time, Dr. B wants to know which you would prefer: 1) to have the webinar tonight, Thursday night, at 7pm Israel time, or 2) to have the webinar Saturday night at 7pm Israel time.

      If you could please write your preference, we would appreciate it.

      Again, sorry about last night.


    • #393528

      Good morning, please could you check the video of yesterday’s main lesson? The video of Q&A session is duplicated and the main class video is not shown. Thank you 🙂

      • #393530

        I have sent your message about the problem with the posting of the lesson video to those who can correct it.  I hope that it will be taken care of very soon.  Apologies!

        Thanks for letting us know.


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