Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #429335

      The thing really touched my heart is that the egoism is the source of all the suffering and altruism is the key to connect with creator and become like creator.
      It blew my mind that tikkun doesn’t occur untill a person want it to happen. Before this I used to think that everything is happening in our life is for our tikkun correction.

    • #426781

      I very much relate to the idea that we reflect the qualities of the creator when we embody love, care, and altruism.

      It is important to recognize the difference between egotistic “altruism” and true altruism, one being a quality of the creator that helps bring us closer to unison and the other being a psychologically self-serving act. False altruism can very much seem like the real thing, and often times takes a great deal of personal experience and suffering to understand and implement its genuine form.


    • #424676

      I found all of this lesson valuable. Certain concepts were new to me, and I already had inkling about others. For example our separation from nature.

      It was fascinating to learn about the split and how the creation of languages separated us rather than united us. The translation of the word Babylon (Babel) was a huge revelation as it connects alot of things for me including Boney M’s song!  And also learning the true meaning of the words Creator- ” come see” I love this! Also makes more sense now.

      And like marc and a couple of commentators above said, I feel a little more sense of peace that comes with more knowing. And yes, it’s early days but I find myself, even in the last few days,  feeling and expressing both an inner and outer smile that I haven’t been able to access until now. Thank you all! 🙂

    • #414640

      I can´t say, that there was something directly blowing my mind. The concepts presented they are nearly the opposite I am used to. Somehow I am going  around with a smile now and I see all the different people around the world. Some even have such a gaze that I felt like they look directly at me.
      The explanation that we are  just experiencing the world of branches and the world of roots is unknown to us relaxe me very much.

    • #411509
      Gates Samaniego

      There was a video in the reflections section in which I learned essentially about the two paths. The path of evolution and punishment OR the path of Revelation and desire to be drawn towards your goal. This blew my mind.

    • #406330

      Kabbalah has become food for me.  I have been studying lots of things but once I got a hold of Kabbalah; I came to realize that there is a clear path to climb the stairway back to heaven.  I am so trilled to be part of this community.   What amazed me is that Kabbalah  isn’t all theory.  When putting the idea into practice in day to day life; the journey down here becomes easier.  It is like having a road map.

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