Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 5 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #428468
      Akosua Marie

      Looking forward to much much more!

    • #412583
      Ka Bubot

      “There’s none else beside Him.” is one of the tenets of the wisdom of Kabbalah that somewhat freed me from a belief system of good and evil that befalls us. I saw a video clip of an interview of a Kabbalist, Dr. Michael Laitman when asked by Larry King, “Do you believe in God?” “No.” he politely answered and added, ” The wisdom of Kabbalah is the method for the revelation of God to every single person in this life, in this world.” and added, “Revelation not believing.”

      Kabbalah is a science not a religion where I have discovered a new way of perceiving reality through all the exciting lessons brought before me not just for the purpose of information but through a systematic method to prove and test the veracity of the truth being presented. I cannot distinguish from all the lessons presented which blew my mind because all of them amazed and excited my curiosity like a baby born in a new reality. All lessons are interconnected and systematic. All I can say is that Kabbalah opened my mind and rejuvenate my heart wanting for more truth and insights about the Creator, me and my friends and my connection to the world.


      • #421754
        Katrina Leeks

        Thank you for sharing. I think that is a perfect summarizing quote from Dr. Michael Laitman and I truly feel the same.

    • #401826

      The kabbalah courses from beginning until now have blown my mind and I am trying to put all the pieces together in order to be able to move forward and continue to learn.

    • #394008

      Currently I feel assembling all the knowledge in the courses, which is just a beginner’s level, is giving the hope to discern this something, that connects everything… but itś abit like when you plan to walk up the 99 steps of a staircase  of a lighthouse and you are only on the first step… still full of energy, but you know- unless you are well trained… it’s going to hurt before you will get a clear view. I feel touched by the optimism and the benevolent understanding of people trying to learn…but I can also increasingly feel the disparity to the „rules“ of normal life… and I feel itś something you cannot devote an hour a day to do like a hobby, or some mysticism…or like some intellectual practice of how one „should be“ and then go on as usual. I rather feel itś something that is really going to change the perception and connection to life and people, and that feels moving me quite a bit… into  all possible directions…

    • #393381
      Deborah Joplin
    • #393380
      Deborah Joplin

      I am a teacher, and a Spiritual Adapter for my students. I have not used this term before. But as the Wisdom of Kabbalah has enhanced my perspective, it is integrated in my thoughts and affects my teaching. I am fully engaged in servant leadership, so this lesson makes complete sense to me.

      I also feel connected to the pain the world is experiencing in this generation. I took pleasure in the hope presented in this lesson, and that we are part of the coming solution.

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