Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 1 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #356641

      Like Leanne I loved the video “The Rock God cannot Lift” and how the 3 conditions necessary for an act of bestowal are all met in the workshop: alignment to reach level of bestowal of Creator, unable to do so alone with my lone Point in the Heart, & the power/force the others in group add to my Point in the Heart to create motion in the right direction.

      I also thought the book “Chaos to Harmony” is the simplest and clearest overview of what is wrong with us individually and collectively and the need for radical change to avoid total self-destruction ( which won’t happen). It sets up the need for transformation from egoistic desire to altruistic desire beautifully, with contemporary language and explanations that make a very compelling trail of breadcrumbs!

    • #338452

      Getting more understanding of the state of the world and the truth that’s driving it. In my opinion it should be so sane and so simple for people to grasp, but alas…ego’s mechanism can and does impede our better human nature.

    • #337150
      Jack Davidsen

      Just a quick one here…

      Julian, video 1.1., it is Perfect! You ask us what We want (or expect), but you said it all so incredibly well in this video. It is exactly what I hoped for. And so…

      I want to thank you, Julian, for making an absolutely awesome course for us!

      And, of course, thank you to the team who helped Julian put it all together, video recording it and making it available on the KabU website, and the instructors (Gianni?) who take the time to answer our questions.


      PS. I wish I could have participated in the meeting that I understand you held for us last week, but I have been ill and have also struggled with other ego-demons. I will do my utmost, and pray, for something such as not being able to attend real-life connecting with my instructor/s and fellow Kabbalah students to not happen again!

    • #334790

      Dr. Laitman’s film, short and to the point together with the visual aids, awoke something in me but what? The answer announced itself  from the articles of recommended reading. Not my usual reaction but there we go. Seemed to consolidate a lot of previous points. Shows that every part of the teaching is important.

    • #334540

      I’m kind of conflicted about KabU because, on the one hand, the ideas being presented here are very promising and attractive. I love the notion of working altruistically with a group towards spirituality.

      On the other hand, I get the feeling that most of these instructors are just talking from a script, and that they’ve never experienced any of the lofty ideas they’re talking about. Rav Laitman is just about the only person at Bnei Baruch who seems like the real deal. Joseph Ohayon and Gil Shir also seem like they may have had a glimpse of “spirituality” (to use this school’s lingo), but most of the other instructors just come off as just going through the motions.

      In my 50 year search for truth I’ve encountered many spiritual teachers and students, some of whom were authentic and clearly connected to the Source, but most of whom were either frauds (in the worst case) or just lost folks trying to look as convincing as possible (in the best case). It seems like that same breakdown is reflected here, with Michael Laitman being the biggest draw – for me at least – along with the books, the teaching, and the method. So, I guess I will just have to “annul my ego” when I’m dealing with cats like Julian, Gianni and a few others whose names I don’t remember but who are clearly babes in the woods when it comes to spiritual attainment.

    • #327669
      Zealot Mines

      This are whole new concepts that seemingly I feel familiar with.. or is it familiar to? So far so good. Yearning so much to learn more. By the way on the section about The Great Kabbalist Throughout History.. why do I have a feeling… history was somewhere re-written especially in regards to the New Testament.

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