Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37699

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #336043

      I finally got that we have to try and perform altruistic acts to see that we are utterly incapable of this under our own will and strength. It is only by trying and failing that I realise I need the Creator’s gift of Lishma and cry out to Him for His help with all my heart … that He then moves to bestow me with this gift. Its as though I need to reach the bottom of my barrel to realise in my soul that He is God and I am His creation and I can do nothing to transform my nature without His bestowal of Lishma. This was a very powerful realisation!

    • #335809

      Finding the difference between religion and kabbalah.

    • #335533
      maria santos

      I can’t recall where I saw it, but it mentioned something about our lives being a movie that is playing out. As a child I always thought that that was exactly what was happening. The Creator already knows our life story and its ending because he directed the movie. We are just lost in the role and have forgotten that it is a movie we are watching.

    • #330698

      I appreciate having received this idea in this week materials:

      When I agree with the Creator about the things that are happening, I am correcting my desire by detaching from my ego and my expectations to fulfill my desires only for my own profit. A new possibility is open, as a new space to feel free.

      Thank you!

    • #328246

      Hi ,
      I actually laughed out loud at the descriptions of us bargaining with our creator to achieve some egoistic desire….it was very funny. I identified myself very clearly in this infantile role. It seems so ridiculous when the light of truth reveals our crazy ego and its circuitous, futile manipulations!!

      I also related closely to how tricky our ego can be in convincing us that Kabbalah and pursuing the light is too hard ,crazy , is not a real path etc ….that is a frequent visitor for me!

    • #321893

      The explanation concerning religion resonates with me.  Spending time pleading with the Creator instead of embarking on a path of change can be all consuming.  Learning the feeling prayer and the role of intentions really causes me to examine myself even in why I am here studying.  This is truly life changing!

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