Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Spiritual Partnership 4. Expanding Your Perception Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

  • #37790

    Tal Mandelbaum

    Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #289516

      Love and respect to each other is our key,

    • #288416
      David Edwards

      Before bed every night me and my partner discuss things and it’s a healthy way to stay connected. Definitely something everyone should try in their relationship

    • #286202
      dree monster

      well dont have a partner so couldnt do this right now. but in the past would ask these questions and get a lot of defensive attitiude as to why i was inquiring about these things, or they would say
      i dont know”. they were definately the wrong relationships. but i learned from them.

    • #284869

      I’m looking forward to using this material in my next relationship! Thanks

    • #283960
      Richard Lively

      I have a good life with my wife.  We work hard, we raise good kids, and she even allows me to push Shabbat on the entire family even though shes not Jewish.  She  knows how  important this is for me.   And She has things that I support that I am not involved but I accept and support her as well.   We make time every day after work to spend at least an hour and sometimes cooking meals together for the children we talk about our work day.  We feel our kids need to see this so they can see what a Healthy relationship looks like.  I dont need my partner to change at all, and she accepted me how I am a long time ago.  We made this our understanding prior to marrying one another and that is why our  marriage works.  It may even be why im drawn to the wisdom of Kabbalah, alot of it is just as familiar as my marriage at home, concerning how relationships should be even with just  friends.

    • #280463

      Love covers all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12). This means that when something doesn’t please me, I cover it with love,

      Love is respecting the others habit. open your heart to each other without judgement.

      I’m single but, what I’m learning in this lesson, I can apply to relationships and love for one another.

      This is area that, I need to work on having no judgment in therelationships and covering it with love.


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