What are you feeling after this lesson?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Standing On The Threshold 3. Material World What are you feeling after this lesson?

  • #42493

    What are you feeling after this lesson?

    Share a few words about your impression with the other students taking this course with you and check out what they’re feeling too. 

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  • Autor(a)
    • #334054
      Ali Nadalipour

      Need to understand phase 5but inside me a feeling for preceed phases is strong yet

    • #332846

      I don’t know what I feel, I just find it comforting that there is a “master plan” and all this craziness is leading somewhere good.  We were all put here at the exact right moment of time and I guess this is the time we all need to get through the phase 5 to reach the end goal.

    • #327860
      Ernest Karlsson

      I’ve experienced these states but not one after the other but occurring over again. I’ve longed for spiritual development from the age of 15 and see a process over time. Have I grown in spirituality? Probably but I’m not sure.

    • #327208

      I am feeling a great desire to fulfill my needs at the costs of others too, and to not recognize them as they are, but to reduce and dishonor them, lying and hurting and abuzing and excluding them in order to get my own needs satisfied, and to be bad too, so that they would be frightened and lemmed and I would have the full control over them and over nature. And I desire to be reckless. And to understand how nature works and to use this power only for myself and for my interest, making sure my wellbeing goes first and I have everything and no one would touch it. How they’ve done too. This would be an downgrade, but for me indeed an upgrade, and I would never experience lack again here on earth. I have no problem repeating the fulfillment of the needs until I die. I would be a full human being, like everyone. Now it’s my turn. Now THIS is equivalence of form with the Creator! The one Creator we have at time. Or not!?

    • #318245

      I’ve felt empty for much of this life.  Learning the next steps is welcome.

    • #314711

      Personally I feel we each have a purpose and a path

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