What scares you most about change? What kind of support should we give each other in order to face the change we need to go through?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #4: WHAT DO WE NEED TO CHANGE? What scares you most about change? What kind of support should we give each other in order to face the change we need to go through?

  • #28676


    What scares you most about change? What kind of support should we give each other in order to face the change we need to go through?

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    • #419051

      I’m not feeling a fear. It is necessary.  We need to prepare and unite us. Be as one.

    • #367399
      Lu Lu

      I’ve been forced to change my whole life so change is uncomfortably beautiful. We must embrace it and pray to gain wisdom from it.

    • #315580
      Rune T. A.

      The change I visualize does not scare me, it seems like a wonderful change for the better (for me at least). How ever, I am an addict, and I have tried to quit many times. It seems that I can be afraid of the unknown state of being free (and accept responsibility of my own destiny). I think I create an illusion of being in control via my addictions and at the same time try to escape my own feelings of fear and insecurity. I think the best support we can give eachother in the upcomming changes would be to start building communities. It’s already happening in various places and in differet forms and goals. It would alleaviate the sense of walking alone, changeing alone and “fighting”. We would find meaning to the change we have to do and strength to do it (I do it not only for me, and I am not the only one doing it). And now I see what scares me about this wonderful change, and that is the fact that I HAVE to connect to real people and not just sit here comfortably and write about it…

    • #305383
      Purity K

      Not knowing where the change is heading.

      We need to connect  with and  encourage  each other to be and stay positive during the change.

    • #293980
      Luc ANOUBRE

      What scares me most about change is not knowing what this change is going to be. We should give each other a spiritual support.

    • #292535
      Adelina Santos

      What scares me is uncertainty, you don`t know where you are heading to. We need to be in a society where the common goal is to make this change, toward bestowal.

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