Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Evolving to Collective Consciousness Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

  • #33194

    Gil Shir

    Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

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    • #357448

      Quite lost collectively but finding our way back into divine order of things..imaginal cells leading the progress in spirit of yetzer hatov

    • #338478

      The genesis of understanding our increasing integration with every one and every thing. Countered by the increasing development of our ego. When the two forces meet take cover, chaos will emerge. We must be very close to this chaos.

    • #338426

      I think in the state of still doing “their own thing” but I notice more and more awakening towards collaboration. Noticed that the “awakening” is not recognized as such yet, it’s happening without the people being fully aware of what is it and how to actively participate.  Hope that makes sense?  More Kabbalah distribution is needed lol!

    • #330211

      We, the human beings of this planet, act as individual ego units. You would like to think that from billions of years ago life started on our planet at a single organism and then collectively shared resources, energy, and communicated and cooperated to become a single collective soul (Adam HaRishon). Today, we have lost that collective feeling and must reunite and find that point in the heart.

    • #323956
      Rune T. A.

      I am not sure but it seems to me that the desirre to unite and cooperate is waking up in many individuals around the world, along side an also growing desire to control others. Both desirres can be rooted in the desirre for harmony and security… I feel that we are beginning to merge, but I see that there is a lot of fighting going on (when looking at the world through various media).

    • #321808


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