Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Evolving to Collective Consciousness Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

  • #33194

    Gil Shir

    Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

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  • Autor(a)
    • #314636
      Seeker of Wisdom

      Humans are currently trapped within egoism as they are being pushed by nature to collaborate. They can choose to consciously evolve on the path of Light or they will be on the path of suffering.

    • #314268
      Jack Brenon

      At a crossroad between chaos and harmony, but what difference does it make in 4.5 billion years the solar system is gone.  First Mercury will be sucked into the Sun, then Venus, then Earth and finally Mars.  The gas plants starting with Jupiter will solidify establishing a new life and in 3-4 billion years they too will be sucked into the sun.  So does every galaxy in the universe first each galaxy drags all its Stars and their Planets into the center where the black hole is waiting to devour everything and spagatify everything into carbon.

      Maybe a return to the state, Ari talked about in his famous poem, before the creation was created  “Ayn Souf” a simple light roamed the universe.  But I am not going to extrapolate that far in my imagination, so I would say,  humanity needs to cooperate to establish the 600,000 community of Adam HaRishon so they can jump to Mars when the Sun swallow Mercury and Earth becomes as hot as Venus and Mars becomes our home, then establish a society and tell them how to behave only for them to lose it, screw it up, and finally then find it again in time to grow enough to make it to Jupiter as the Sun is swallowing Venus and Mars become inhospitable for mankind. Smile!

      • #321807

        Wow 😀

    • #310179

      Gaining consciousness I start to see the opposite that it is really just me who is still in deep sleep and the world is getting better and better when I start to awake more…

    • #307975

      Is Adam ha rishon = Shechina ?


      Many thanks!

    • #307823

      Nature is applying pressure on mankind to develop into a higher consciousness and work as one body.  At this time, we have the choice of actively participating in this next stage of development (the Path of Light) or get pushed into it the hard way (the Path of Pain).

    • #305279
      Anayo Nzute

      human beings are in the early stage of collaboration, but the challenge is on we don’t know where we are heading but nature is pushing us to begin to collaborate

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