Many teachings want to connect themselves with Kabbalah. Dr. Michael Laitman distinguishes between these world teachings and the wisdom of Kabbalah.
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Many teachings want to connect themselves with Kabbalah. Dr. Michael Laitman distinguishes between these world teachings and the wisdom of Kabbalah.
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I have been studying Kabbalah through Laitman for 20 years. I am a 32nd degree Freemason. There is without a doubt A LOT of Kabbalah teachings within Masonry. However, it is not taught as Kabbalah nor is it supposed to be. Freemasony is a fraternity, not a religion or science. Nor are Freemasons controlling the world, etc. The subject of Masonry is as misunderstood as Kabbalah teachings themselves.
they aren't using kabbalah to control, they are using Dark Psychology to manipulate the world.
Not correct. It is just conspiracy theories gone wild.
8 Episodes
2012 – the end of the world
Is There A Kabbalistic Conspiracy
Meditation – A Spiritual Method
Sexual Englightenment
Sexual Secrets
What Are ESP & Psychic Powers
What Exactly Is Spirituality
Who or What Is a Spiritual Guru