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    • #383565
      Troy Albright

      My Ten is freezing me out. I have multiple health issues. They basically said they have rules set down which I have no say in because I’m not in the meetings. What should I do? Does it matter how many meetings I’m in?

    • #383148
      maria santos


      There is some confusion in our 10 about the Psalms. We have heard from the Rav and from the teachers it is ok to read the Psalms, in our last class when asked we were told not to, so can you please clarify when it is ok to read the Psalms and when it is not?

    • #381964

      Hi, I really need some deeper insights on the matter of Love your friend as yourself. See, the thing is that I don’t think that I love myself; I do things I know are bad for me, and I don’t do things I know are good for me. I don’t have great ambitions and desires in the corporeal world, I don’t really take much care for myself, nor I think I am the “pick of evolution” (not even close), nor that I have much to offer… so I am worried, you can see why.

      If I need to love my friends as much as I love myself, I am worried that they will not receive much love. And is it possible to love someone else more than you love yourself? I do think more of them then myself, and I actually prefer that, but something here is bugging me. Can you please help me?

      Thank you!

      • #382790


        It might help to separate your negative feelings as misguided thoughts, and remember at the core of your heart, you ARE a part of something very precious. You are a puzzle piece in the great puzzle we are all putting together.

    • #372696

      M24 is ready to participate in the Conference. Two of our friends went to the physical mirror conference in Germany. We are complete and registered on the Arvut system. We participated in a BB preparational lesson and made the articles for that lesson a focus in our second weekly meeting. I hope M24 will meet you all on Arvut system in the KabU room virtually or in person in Germany. Let us all Ten join tomorrow morning’s and afternoon’s lessons together! I have other things to do but I am among the Giants to follow. What to do but integrate into their desire?

      As for the retreat: Half of M24 will attend in person the other half will join virtually.

    • #372438

      HOMEWORK: Register for the Retreat. Decide between you in your 10’s how you can connect and participate as much as possible together in the upcoming global congress the next weekend & publish what each 10 will be doing in the YG Forum.


      We met Monday evening. We discussed registration for the upcoming Congress. Many have registered already. Will take a head count in a couple days (most will be able to attend virtually).

      Some may need some help yet, getting into the Arvut System. So we are attending to that to make sure all can attend if available.

      Great words for room W Kabu 13, so those present agreed to meet in this room. (My question is, will the Arvut system eventually have rooms for new tens?) Also, in general, members were encouraged to join this room for the Daily Lessons, and a special prayer time after.

      For the upcoming Retreat, we will meet virtually in W Kabu 13.
      Eva is going in person for all of us (YAY!) We will all keep her in our hearts for her ultimate inspiration, and for safe travels.

      We even talked about the Fall Retreat in NY. Julie will be driving all the way as a Vacation! When she gets to TN, she can pick me up and we’ll get there together and meet up with the rest of our ten. Many are planning ahead to attend. We are all deeply inspired to meet together in person. Our ten is wonderful. Strong and ready to handle our descents and corrections together!

    • #372334
      Yeshua Catherineka

      In agenda of assembly 1.
      The last lines it says,
      It is customary to give presents to a person you love. And it is also customary to not love one who is deficient.
      And in the lesson of the week What to Look For in the Assembly of Friends, it says,
      Now we can understand what we asked about the proximity of “Buy yourself a friend” and “Judge every person favorably.”
      My question is why a contrast?
      So what rule to follow ….?
      What happens to the one who is deficient? If they are not Loved and why?
      Kindly guide.

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