Archives: VOD

Jean Am I Going To Die Like This

As a nurse, Jean was accustomed to death. However, one man’s desperate clinging to death changed Jean forever. Listen to Jean talk about his journey of transcending his limitations by connecting with the world around him.

Jose Even Better Than Family

Jose’s career in the military forced him to see a violent and murderous side of life. After leaving the military, Jose searched to find solace with music. Unfulfilled from these pursuits, Jose found life’s answers from the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Laurie A Cast of Billions

Laurie felt that she was director of an unpleasant movie called Life. Laurie became a beekeeper hoping that such a profession would bring her closer to nature. See how her fascinating journey brought her to the study of Kabbalah.

Ryan Why Would God Do This to Someone

Ryan faced laughter and ridicule as a child born with muscular dystrophy. His persecution forced him to ask why such circumstances befall good people. Ryan’s journey brought him to search for the meaning of the world’s suffering.

Tamara Behind The Scenery

Tamara had a perfect TV life: young, beautiful, with two healthy children, a loving husband. Only thing missing was fulfillment.

Tempe God Isn’t Exclusive

Sensing God inside, she kept from challenging her Sunday school teachers choosing to keep her musings and questions to herself.

Angelica Substitute Connections Won’t Do

Angelica always gravitated towards nature growing up in violent San Paolo, Brazil. As a child she stuffed her negative feelings into a closed bag. Listen to how Kabbalah helped her find the true connection with nature that she always desired.