Archives: VOD

Nadine Finding A Point To Life

Nadine always tried to be happy in the face of others and learnt to be truly loving and kind through the wisdom of Kabbalah.


An example with an apple: the beginning and end of a person’s development.


Why can’t humans achieve perfection and wholeness on earth?

Book Author Story

Why does reading spiritual books help humans evolve toward reaching their purpose in life?


How can a person grind their thoughts and emotions to be suitable for spirituality?


How can a person become free of the cage of their ego?


What happens to a person’s soul after he/she dies?


How can a person have true freedom and realize him or her self in the best possible way?

Inner Worlds

What is the right way to work with the inner worlds?

Love For Fish

What occurs beyond this world that is able to fulfill a person and how can we reach it?