10 Top Secrets – Introduce Yourself

Inicio Foros 10 Top Secrets – Introduce Yourself

  • #298417


    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

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  • Autor(a)
    • #301285
      Joseph Ojong

      My name is Joseph. I am very interested in kaballah and wish to learn from the authentic source after reading soo many other write ups on the topic. I hope I get to be within the true secrets of the kaballah from here.

    • #300395
      Mark Short

      My name is Mark Short, I am loving my classes and excited to learn more.

    • #299922
      Josef Aizi

      Hello, my name is also Josef… I’ve started my spiritual journey couple of years ago, until I’ve found the Kabbalah. I’m Jewish of course, but I didn’t grow religious, at all… and I’ve always wondered why the Jewish people are considered the Chosen Ones, and what makes the Bible so special… until I’ve found and started to learn Kabbalah.

      I recently heard and was exposed to the fact that in the Zohar today, that was discovered in the 12/13 century by Moshe Di Leon – there are more than 1000 handwritings, and there are quotes there about verses  or chapters in the Bible that are just not true or are mistaken… and then I was exposed to this Youtube video of your site and course – of KabU

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