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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #312480
      mrc s

      How can I be sure the information on BB Kabbalah is the true one if Kabbalist prefer saving lives than telling the truth?

      • #312598

        Hey mrc,

        This is only according to a person’s heart. If you feel that what’s inside the material feels to you like ‘truth’, one is drawn to the path and if the Creator holds them there, they stay and continue the correction on the path of hastening.




    • #312461

      If using Kabbalah is so effective, and was primarily used by European Jews, why or how did the Holocaust happen?

      • #312597

        Hi David,

        Kabbalah is the method of correction but a person can only access the method through their own desire. If a person has no desire to find answers to the deepest questions, they won’t be able to hear the answers either.

        Everything is a correction. You could say the Holocaust happened due to the negligence of the Jews who should have been in connection, shining as a light for the nations of the world,  but instead were engaged in their own personal goals. These types of tragedies are certainly only pushing us towards correction, but they did not necessarily need to happen. If it did happen, it’s a sign it needed to happen. We don’t understand the Upper’s calculations at this level. We first need to see creation from the Creator’s perspective to understand the intention.



    • #312447
      mrc s

      In Christianity the devil and his prophets will be tormented in lake of fire forever, how that sits with the purpose of Creation? thx

      • #312452

        Hey mrc,

        We can’t relate to the religion of Christianity here. What is interpreted there, we cannot exactly comment on.



        • #312454
          mrc s

          I just read an article from Quora and eternal damnation is incorrect translation the one is age-during so the punishment is only for a certain age thx

    • #312415

      Thanks for answering,

      “The Baal Shem Tov said that he who says that there is another force in the world, namely Klipot [shells], that person is in a state of “serving other gods.””

      What does this quote mean in general?  What are Klipot(shells) in particular?

      • #312451

        Hey Todd,

        The meaning is similar to a fruit whose skin protects the inner goods. The “shells” or Klipot, are these opposite forces to holiness, to bestowal, that encourage growth in the right direction. I identify them as “unhealthy” to my spiritual growth, but without recognizing them, I won’t have the right request for correction.


    • #312412

      Hello again,


      Would you say that Kabbalah is anti fragile?  In the sense that a thing that gets stronger by more stress acting on it is anti fragile.  Is Kabbalah anti fragile in a macro cosmic sense and a microcosmic sense.  In the macro cosmic sense is it true that the more bad things happen the more people will be inclined to come to kabbalah?  In the microcosmic sense is it true that the more bad things that happen to a Kabbalist the more power or inclination he has to do the work and to build his desire to pass the barrier?  How does passing the barrier work?  Has anyone passed the barrier into spirituality yet or are we working on one big collective passing of the barrier that will happen for everyone at once?  Did the common western astrology come from kabbalah?

      • #312450

        Hey Todd,

        Would you say that Kabbalah is anti fragile?  In the sense that a thing that gets stronger by more stress acting on it is anti fragile.  Is Kabbalah anti fragile in a macro cosmic sense and a microcosmic sense.  In the macro cosmic sense is it true that the more bad things happen the more people will be inclined to come to kabbalah?

        “Kabbalah” is the light on the path. It’s the method of correction. The method, I don’t think, cannot be described as fragile or anti-fragile. You could say a person themselves change, but these changes aren’t to fragile/not fragile. The changes are whether a person is exiting their ego and coming closer to the quality of bestowal or they are sinking deeper into it. If a person is on the path of correction, then generally the trend is coming out of the ego. However, coming closer to exiting the ego actually contains within it the revelation of the ego itself which can feel as a gradually worsening state, when in reality, until the true revelation of the ego has occurred to a person, they are not willing to ask for the change to a different quality.


          In the microcosmic sense is it true that the more bad things that happen to a Kabbalist the more power or inclination he has to do the work and to build his desire to pass the barrier?  How does passing the barrier work?  Has anyone passed the barrier into spirituality yet or are we working on one big collective passing of the barrier that will happen for everyone at once?  Did the common western astrology come from kabbalah?

        You could think of it the same way you would when looking at an adult in our world. That adult has more responsibilities and can cause more harm. The “blame” is not Kabbalah, but a person is just naturally developing. We are all working together to help one another exit this nature, and cross this “barrier”.



    • #312411


      Was king Solomon a Kabbalist?   Is there any importance in Kabbalah to the lesser and greater keys of Solomon the King?  Do you have to tithe once you get a group, meaning do you have to give ten percent of your income and to who?  If you start studying Kabbalah and then have to stop for some reason will the creator be angry with you or will you mess up the system the spiritual system that is, or any system for that matter?  Why are Kabu students invited to the retreat now, were they not before and why?  Do you think it would be overwhelming and difficult to deal with for a person brand new to go to the retreat especially if they are not a “people person”?



      • #312448

        Hey Todd,

        There are a lot of questions here, so I’ll respond to them in-line for easier reading and answering.

        Was king Solomon a Kabbalist?  Yes.  Is there any importance in Kabbalah to the lesser and greater keys of Solomon the King?  Many Kabbalists didn’t write anything, in fact, most of them did not. The ones that did write and those writings stuck around until our times, then usually there’s something we can take from it. We mainly study Baal HaSulam (Yehuda Shalom HaLevi Ashlag) and the Rabash (Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag) simply because what they gave to us is more appropriate for our generation than most other writings. Other than the Zohar of course. Do you have to tithe once you get a group, meaning do you have to give ten percent of your income and to who?  Whether you tithe or not is up to you. Most of the more veteran students do, but this is certainly optional until you feel you want to. It not only supports the mission of spreading the wisdom to the entire world, but there are spiritual aspects as well. If you start studying Kabbalah and then have to stop for some reason will the creator be angry with you or will you mess up the system the spiritual system that is, or any system for that matter? Don’t forget here, that if you stop studying, this is also the Creator commanding this action.  If a person doesn’t know of the spiritual system or has had no contact with it, then they can’t cause harm, well, they cause harm the same way a baby crawling knocks over the vase. Only when a person has the true choice of choosing the will to receive or the will to bestow can they affect the system in a meaninful way. Why are Kabu students invited to the retreat now, were they not before and why?  Not sure what you’re referring to when you say, “were they not before?”. The regristration opened not too long ago. These are for KabU students and most of them this is their first gathering.  Do you think it would be overwhelming and difficult to deal with for a person brand new to go to the retreat especially if they are not a “people person”. Certainly the atmosphere is set to bring people closer together. People person or not a people person, the mutual goal overshadows any of the personal issues a person might have. If they prepare themselves correctly, they will enter that place and feel absorbed within the general group and they will think less and less of themselves. Best of luck  🙂

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