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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #311791
      mrc s

      Why everytime people offend me I doesn’t remember doing the same to others before..? Am I forgetting or?

      • #311795

        Don’t forget it’s all a “movie” for you. You see what you need to see for the movie to play out as the Creator wants you to see it.

    • #311784
      mrc s

      Should we use emotion more or reason?

      • #311786

        Hey mrc,

        Both are important and have their role but “the heart understands.” You change your heart and the mind gets an upgrade to work with the new emotion. But you donneed to scrutinize the new state with your mind.


        • #312417

          “But you donneed to scrutinize the new state with your mind.”

          You are saying that you do need to scrutinize with your mind or you don’t need to?  Thanks



        • #311793
          mrc s

          Thanks, is the heart means the emotion

        • #311794

          Yes certainly, one way of defining it.

        • #311796
          mrc s

          So we should use our heart more which is the emotion more than the reason?

        • #311798
          mrc s

          Or we first use the heart and then our reason and emotion (which is equal in importance) will follow?

        • #311799

          The main thing is emotion. The mind will follow. Although, there will be some times when the mind awakens the heart. It depends on the state. Just be more aware what’s goinf on and you’ll be fine. None as wise as the experieneced!

    • #311780

      What will a person who has no group do at the kabu event in the Netherlands this may?  Who will show them around?

    • #311638
      mrc s

      Do we have free will?

      • #311658

        Hey mrc,

        Yes, but not where you’re thinking it is at the moment. Until a person acquires the intention to bestow, choice doesn’t exactly exist since there is still only the one quality they perceive.


    • #311635
      Adelina Santos


      What is innovation in spirituality?

      Thank you


      • #311657

        Hey Adelina,

        Not exactly sure where you’re asking from but if I understand correctly, innovation would be how a person changes the use of their will to receive each time – from in order to receive to in order to bestow.


        • #312084
          Adelina Santos

          It is in the Zohar Lock and Key, where it is said that ththose who study the Torah and innovate words of the Torah.

    • #311634
      Adelina Santos


      What was the danger that Kabbalists saw in ancient ttimes to reveal the Zohar?

      Thank you


      • #311656

        Hi Adelina,

        The danger was in giving the remedy before the disease is revealed. You do that before the time is right and no one has a need for it, or worse, they’ve already been introduced to the only remedy and the perception of the wisdom has been tainted by generations who “diluted” it with misunderstandings and mininterpretations. When the time comes for the wisdom to reveal itself as what can bring humanity to it’s next degree, the value would have been diminished.


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