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  • #128071


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    • #359446

      Another question, when I enter a meeting with my friends, can I think about ‘spiritual strategies’ that I have read about or heard from, or, should I try to completely empty my mind and just focus on the specific thing that we read or discuss at the meeting?



    • #359390

      From There Is None Else Besides Him:

      ‘The Baal Shem Tov said that he who says that there is another force in the world, namely Klipot [shells], that person is in a state of “serving other gods.” It is not necessarily the thought of heresy that is the transgression, but if he thinks that there is another authority and force apart from the Creator, he is committing a transgression.’

      What is the difference between ‘the thought of heresy’ and ‘if he thinks that there is another authority and force apart from the Creator’?


      • #359426

        The thought of heresy is from the sensation that there is more than one force governing reality, and there is no one on the spiritual path (let alone people with no connection to this path) who does not – in certain states – feel that there are multiple forces working on him at a time – as it’s written, “there is no Righteous in the land who does good and did not sin.” But the question is what I do with this multiplicity. Do I go with it and think like others do, or do I work to ascribe each and everything to None But Him, the singular Creator.

        • #359443

          Thank you, that’s helpful.

    • #359240

      Wow, Gianni ,  just watched the ice bath you went in – clip. How did it feel? What did you get from it? Wisdom-wise, gaining more consciousness?

      • #359244

        Hi Paul. I got an ordinary corporeal feeling of exhilaration due to the biological processes triggered by the cold. I didn’t gain any wisdom or awareness from it since wisdom and awareness of something above this world can only come as a result of a spiritual action. No corporeal action is more or less than any other corporeal action. Therefore, it’s merely an analogy for our spiritual work that happens in an entirely different arena.

    • #357627


      I used to smoke a pipe or a cigar, But this week I felt that for the sake of the Creator I should give up smoking. I stopped on `Tuesday, and haven’t felt like a smoke since. I wonder if it could have been the creator encouraging me to stop? Anyway I am glad stopping has been so easy.

      • #357630

        Well, you can stop if you want, but since it’s already something you wanted to do, and in any case, all of society is encouraging people to not smoke and there’s plenty of data to recommend quitting, it is therefore impossible to say that I quit smoking for the Creator. An action for the Creator has to be one that I would not do under normal circumstances, and otherwise is against my desire. The only field available where I can do something I don’t already want to do and the action aligns with the Creator’s will, is in acts of love of friends in the spiritual group, especially since I have no business with them outside of the group. While with all kinds of other actions, it’s all distorted and unclear as to what is actually good, correct, and according to the Creator’s will: we can’t know.

    • #357611


      I would like to ask about this passage from Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot:

      “However, not only does one who lives in Torah and Mitzvot enjoys his own life, but he is even happy to bear children and bequeath them this good life. This is the meaning of “so you may live, you and your descendants,” for he receives additional pleasure in the life of his progeny, of which he was the cause.”

      What does progeny mean? And what is it to receive pleasure in the life of his progeny?

      • #357635

        thank you

      • #357614

        Progeny are the Partzufim (spiritual systems of desire) which one gives birth to. Like one may feel that his whole life and joy is in his children and grandchildren so too with spiritual progeny.

    • #357044


      In one of Rav´s answers, he says it is absolutely and the only way to love your neighbor as your yourself is by suppressing the ego and the resistance to such attitude toward another.

      So my question is:

      Does this feeling of suppression inside of us let say, burns or dissipates itself on its own or is it always by praying in these states to the Creator and having faith above reason that this will continually evolve and heal ?

      Thank you

      • #357073

        I’m not sure it’s exactly by suppressing the ego, but in a manner of speaking, yes, I need to not allow my ego to jump and express itself. I don’t want to feed it anything. This, by itself, is already an exercise in differentiating my ego from my inclinations in my Point in the Heart. I want to permit only thoughts and actions that bring us closer to connection, and certainly disallow actions that bring me further away from connection. We don’t need to make it more complicated or mix in other concepts. This is the work that is in front of us.

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