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    • #339346

      Hi Gianni,

      Can you please help me understand the concept in Article 42 – What Should One Do If He Was Born With Bad Qualities?

      “…This means that all the qualities that exist in a person that extend from the four qualities FWWD have nothing to do with the evil inclination…”

      1. So, these 4 qualities have nothing to do with the desire to receive? Consequently, they do not need correction? What is their purpose then? Everything that exists has its purpose…

      2. What are the qualities of FWWD when they are balanced or less in a person? More of them is petulant-lustful-arrogant-lazy… how does that serves/hinders a person?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #339354

        The point is that all one’s qualities are neutral. It doesn’t matter how bad or good they look. I have no good qualities, I have no bad qualities. Whatever doesn’t yet have a spiritual Screen is certainly bad. Whatever has a Screen is good.

        • #339709

          Ok, they are neutral, but what is their purpose? Why do they exist or were created as such? What should one do with them? And 4, no more and no less, so they cannot be given just for fun…

        • #339848

          Fun? No, look. Let’s give a corporeal example. Say, Zuckerberg was made to learn Greek, Latin, computer languages, etc. Is that fun for a teen? The fact that you gave him such surroundings and brainwashing to convince him that that’s the right thing to be doing… but “fun” would be something low level – video games, etc. But because of this effort over that which would have been “fun”, let’s say that now he’s the one having all the fun while those who took the low-level fun get to suffer in lowliness of all genres for the rest of their lives (even though, in truth, these are false values and no one enjoys – but just for the example). Our Will to Receive likes the lowest level, least effort things. Little pleasure, but close to no effort. Yes, it is willing to sacrifice grand achievements for the sake of not putting forth effort. Up to and including serious drugs. And I also don’t care that they’ll kill me in a few minutes (unless, like Zuckerberg, someone brainwashed me otherwise) – because that’s how the ego is built. It’s written that before one dies that angel of death comes with a drop of poison on the end of a spear, which one cannot resist, and it kills him. So, I’m built such that I’m a pleasure junkie, wanting pleasures to go into these different desires I was given. Now, the question is: were these, any, of my desires given to me for their fulfillment? Or, perhaps, I’m like some tribesman who found an abandoned (but operational) vehicle and instead of turning it into something I could chase my food with a game-changing advantage, instead, I’ve turned it into a place to sleep or something like that? Maybe, just maybe, all these desires in me have another, sublime purpose.

        • #339499

          Hi Gianni,

          In Rav’s blog I’ve read “…The way to tell whether an action is correct or not is to check whether a new Partzuf was born…”

          What does it mean and how do you check if a new Partzuf is born?

          Thank you in advance!

        • #339615

          If I plant some tree, I can see if it has come up a little from the ground. It’s similar here, except I don’t know what the tree should look like. But when it appears, it’ll be unmistakable.

    • #339301

      Hello Gianni,

      Would you please clarify the difference between VAK and ZA, and ZAT and ZON?

      • #339302

        VAK is Vav Ktzavot – 6 points. ZAT is Zayin tkatoonim – 7 lower ones. In short, it’s the lower part of these degrees. We can’t clarify more than that right now.

        • #339310

          Meaning, the vessels of reception (AHP) in the degree?

          What is the difference between VAT and ZAT? Why does ZAT include Malchut and VAT doesn’t?

        • #339318

          Yes, the lower part of the the degree is always vessels  of reception. Yet, all the vessels are there, in both cases. It just depends with which vessels he can work, and we don’t take into consideration the vessels he can’t use to bestow right now. Though they are, for now, only vessels of reception, he can as if bend them such that they somehow work in the direction of bestowal.

    • #339261

      I want to study the structure of the upper worlds, can you please recommend which text i should start with? In the past i have read randomly but now I am ready for a more methodical and deliberate approach.

      Here I’ve compiled a list of texts. — Introduction to the Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah — Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah — Explanation of the Article, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” – Rabash — Pitcha lesson 1 with Seth — Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot — TALMUD ESER SEFIROT (The Study of the Ten Sefirot)

    • #339218

      Why do our sources speak so despairingly about dogs?

      In the morning lesson yesterday, the article spoke about how a dog and a donkey is lower than a beast.  What does this mean?  I remember the teaching that, generally speaking, what is written does not refer to anything in this world.  Can you open this up for me a little bit?

      • #339220

        That’s true, we never speak of this world. They are all words to represent one’s inner qualities. Spiritually, any animal refers to our previous levels, the animate degrees (and he has as many animate desires as there are animals in our world) which are correct by themselves, but incorrect for man. Upon them, he was supposed to develop the human degree and thus it becomes already forbidden for him to tarry on any lower degrees.

    • #339168

      Hi Gianni

      Can you please explain what are spiritual desires and what is the difference between spiritual and corporeal desires?

      Thank you

      • #339170

        The difference is only in the intention. If there’s an intention to bestow, it’s spiritual. If there’s an intention to receive or no intention, it’s corporeal.

    • #339142

      Hi Gianni,

      From Rav Laitman’s blog of May 23,2011, Title, have you ordered the magic table cloth, the following except refers,

      “The upper Light existing outside us doesn’t have any form; it has only the desire to bestow. If you want to derive pleasure from it the correct way, He will give you this sensation at once, without problems. Therefore, everything depends on the creature. The form of reality depends on our desires, vessels of perception. That is why we have nobody to pray to, nobody to ask, nobody to turn to, but only to ourselves, to the extent of our corruptness and the ability to become a little bit more corrected.

      We’ll feel better to the extent we correct ourselves. In essence, this is the entire process we experience.”

      The Rav says everything is only prayer and that the Creator loves our prayers, the part in bold says there is no one to pray to? this is confusing.. kindly shed some light,


      Thank you

      • #339143

        Sure, but this reminds us not to pray for anything in the world to change. No one receives such prayers. I need to see my own corrupt vessels and turn with them to my Upper Degree of corrected connection with others. Yearning toward it is called prayer.

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