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  • #128071


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    • #331822

      I need to understand more about the scientific part of this process. I need everything to be scientific, but until now, I don’t see that scientific approach. It all boils down to reading texts that we barely understand, singing, dancing, hugging, praising the Lord that we have no comprehension of, like in a regular religion, and I need a more scientific approach, a serious scientific approach. In the Ten, we are left to our own devices, to do whatever the advices are, but everyone interprets them differently and we are all over the place, as there is no one that guide us through the process. Can someone help me understand when the science begins and what and when should be measured?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #331825

        Everyone goes through phases and returns to them, in which they relate to Kabbalah as a religion. Some relate to it as a religion for years and years, and then come to a shocking realization – that it is a science after all! – at which point they promptly leave the wisdom of Kabbalah, often then finding a real religion. Then there are those who think they understand science so well that they think Kabbalah is not like those sciences and must be a religion. That’s because Kabbalah is not like those sciences. Those sciences, compared to the science of Kabbalah, are like religion. Because even as a leading scientist it turns out that I “believe” in a lot of scientific theories and what other scientists proved but which I don’t prove myself. But that’s not the biggest reason that Kabbalah is more a science than the physics of our world, nor why physicists are religious relative to Kabbalists. It’s because physicists only observe the phenomena that they draw conclusions about, from the outside. They aren’t “in” those phenomena, do not attain them. In fact, here’s where Kabbalists lose scientists’ ability to logically understand even the premise of the science of Kabbalah: they can’t imagine a hard-science like that. And compared to Kabbalah, all our science turns out to be speculation! That’s why it changes every few years, or in the best case, every few centuries all the theories get thrown into question. But the wisdom of Kabbalah is eternal, and what Adam HaRishon discovered, so too, I can discover just as he did.

        But why do people leave when they find out it’s a science and not a religion? Because a religion means I can follow someone wise and great without changing myself. And what’s written about can’t just remain as words on a page or in the mouth of the teacher. I have to become the particle whose phenomena are being written about. And, I need to make many actions, but also at an amplitude sufficient for me to start noticing the spiritual phenomena. For now, I’m moving, I’m advancing greatly, more than in a thousand lifetimes where I was also advancing but not at a rate faster than that of a regular animal – however, I’m still not moving fast enough to perceive my advancement.

        That’s why it is as you say. And there’s no advice but to keep going.

        • #331847

          Thank you Gianni! For me, the only science in the world is mathematics, and everything else is based on it. So, I need to keep going until I get to the scientific part, I guess, like in mathematics, you first learn all the axioms and various rules, until a point when you start understanding and applying them…

        • #331852

          And the mathematics is, by the same token, not attained, but something we’ve seen seem to be true in every place. Which is why later we’ll see a different mathematics.

    • #331820

      In the second stage, shame appeared as the Creature was only receiving. After the restriction and everything, we are still not able to receive/bestow anything without begging the Creator, and after we beg, He provides. So now, I not only feel shame that I am not able to do anything without His help, and I have to beg, but humiliation as well. How is this progressing towards the goal?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #331826

        All of that is based on the truth, but incorrect.

        In Phase 2, there is no shame. Shame comes only at the end of Phase 4.

        Nor in this state do we need to “beg the Creator.” It’s the opposite: it’s as if He begs us to receive all the abundance (and, to be clear, it’s not “us”, but rather Malchut, which precedes our universe and human existence).

        Nor in our world do we feel shame. We think we do, but we’ve never felt it. Rather, we’d sooner die than experience real shame and spend our entire lives making almost no moves other than to avoid feeling shame. We’re just not perceptive about this.

        • #331848

          But I do feel shame, and I was devastated to realize that I am completely helpless and lowest of all, even wondered how such a low life can exist, not even worth the attention let alone saving it!

        • #331851

          It’s not the spiritual shame Kabbalists speak of.

          According to our potential though, we’re the height of Creation. According to our present behavior though, we like all the other animals, but lower. Because they’re not outright opposite to bestowal.

    • #331698

      If Adam was a real person 5707 years ago, what happened to all the other ‘people’ around him and their descendants?  Why was Adam the only one given a soul?  Are there descendants of his contemporaries that live today who have no access to a soul?

      • #331699

        Adam was the first Kabbalist, but not the first human. Everything went in much of the way scientists think. So, there were many humans before and around him. Why his parents felt like naming him Adam, and why he was the first to reveal the Creator, we’ll know when we reveal the degree of Adam. It’s a degree. That’s what Kabbalists are talking about.

    • #331631
      Adelina Santos


      To raise MAN means to raise Ohr Hozer?

      Thank you


    • #331627
      Adelina Santos


      At the final correction, when Malchut de Malchut is corrected, and all the souls becomes one with the Creator in Dvekut, does the spiritual fear disappears?

      That you


      • #331672
        Adelina Santos

        Hi Gianni

        Can we raise MAN without a masach (screen)?

        Thank you


        • #331673

          It’s a question if we can do any spiritual action except try to obtain a true prayer in the heart for the connection with others in which the Upper Force is revealed.

          Raising MAN is already an action borne out of a to some extent connected Kli. It’s an uncorrected Kli, but they’re all asking together.

      • #331634

        Kabbalists don’t write about after the end of correction. Spiritual fear means making sure never to use the vessels of reception for my sake, and only using them for the Creator’s sake, though. So, it seems there’s no way it could ever disappear.

    • #331626
      Adelina Santos


      Is the light that Reforms the same as surrounding light?

      Thank you


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