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  • #128071


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    • #332348

      How can we all do what the Rav is asking is to do and come closer to one another, wherever we are and whatever level if study,  and how can i, as a YG student and very new,  help? How can i best give back now?

      • #332350

        You only need to connect to the ten. Everything is in there. If you want to do more, help the friends connect. That’s a whole art to do it so it’ll be accepted nicely.

        • #332356

          Thanks so much

    • #332280

      Today, Friends have worked together to scrutinize and answer questions concerning Joy and how to help Others in descent or help them Connect their hearts, and we now want to ask, please:

      Is this an example of Work in Opening the Heart?

      Thank You very much

      • #332300

        When I work on the heart of the friend in whatever way, it’s open-heart surgery on my own heart, whereas working directly on my own heart is like playing with shadows.

        • #332347

          Thank You

    • #332277

      This is my first young group, Dave is the teacher.  Some in my ten want to watch Rav’s lesson on Tuesday and Thursday instead of the kabu lessons.  It has not been formally decided yet so I dont know how many from my group will be in Rav’s lesson.  How do I decide what to do?

      • #332285

        I’d recommend to stop studying Kabbalah altogether for all who choose to watch Rav’s lesson instead of the Young Group -literally- because the Young Group is what the teacher, Rav Laitman, expects from his new students, and against the teacher, there’s no hope of spiritual attainment no matter how many lessons one watches. Rabash had such a young group as well, one won’t get around this or disregard it and succeed. Here, I’m talking about newer students who did not already graduate Young Group or those who are supporting like me, that when I have to teach a Young Group that is during Rav’s lesson, I miss Rav’s lesson, no questions asked – because I know that’s what my teacher advises, and he cares most about new students advancing. Of course I’m also not speaking to students who aren’t really going all the way toward the spiritual goal yet and just casually listen to some of our stuff on the side. But this is what I say to those who think they’re going to advance seriously and relatively quickly to the Upper World.

        • #332303

          Our young group lesson is on Sunday.  If we watched on Tuesday we would miss a sage speaks with Seth.  If on Thursday we would miss Mike’s graduate class.  Does this change your answer?

    • #332262

      How do I know, when I want to ask a question, if that question is bringing the light or feeding my desire for knowledge?

      • #332302

        Our young group lesson is on Sunday.  If we watched on Tuesday we would miss a sage speaks with Seth.  If on Thursday we would miss Mike’s graduate class.  Does this change your answer?


        • #332304

          With the classes besides the Young Group itself, it’s each student’s decision for himself. Those who watch Seth, can’t obligate those who prefer to be in the morning lesson, and vice versa. But each should see if he’s really been through all of the main Baal HaSulam articles that Seth is covering. Because the students who are in Rav’s lesson seriously, have. Rav used to break each one of them down for us. If you missed reading them and having them somewhat explained, there’s a gap in your education. There is, at the end of the day, a certain foundation that Baal HaSulam tried to give in those articles. Without them, I’m peg-legged. Understand the principle at play here at KabU: it’s to bring all students quickly up through the ranks to the level of an advanced student that has been next to Rav for years and years – and not to hold you down or next to us for longer than needed. We just want to make sure each one has a good foundation. Because the Kabbalist only caters to beginners during congresses; the rest of the time Rav is focused on the more advanced students. I can’t skip basic science and jump to physics just cause I want to be advanced right away.

      • #332270

        It doesn’t matter. As much knowledge as you want, we’ll give. Generally the test is if the question benefits the friends in the work of connecting more to reveal the Creator.

    • #332235

      How do we deal with health issues, at times very serious in the ten?

      • #332257

        We can include the friends in our prayer, meaning it could be a stimulus to do what we should always be doing: asking for connection, so the Creator will be revealed.

        But generally it’s the wisdom of Kabbalah; not medicine. Doctors need to deal with the body, we need to deal with the soul.

    • #332212

      How do we know when it is a good time to introduce corporality into the group or riff off of a friend who introduces corporality into the group?

      • #332219

        Hi Todd,

        Unless the friend is constantly taking away the ten’s time together for corporeal digressions – and I don’t mean half a word here and there, but big swaths of time – we should be gentle, and understand that all friends are at different levels of desire. And in all cases, I would nevertheless be gentle. Consider that my ten represents all of my – even somewhat spirituality-oriented desires – while I have armies of desires in me that live and die only for corporeality, and wish to extract me out of all spiritual endeavors that take time away from corporeal fixations. So then, how much must I care for every precious desire that is even a little bit aimed at Kabbalah. This is how I should see my friends.

        Having said that, we don’t need to talk about/introduce our corporeality to the ten at all. Our currency is the importance of the spiritual goal.

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