Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #362107

      I am sitting here trying to form my question and my dog is just outside the door, howling away, distracting me terribly. I am losing my connection with the lesson, with the Creator, and wondering why that dog is doing that, what’s going on outside. Finally I realize that my connection to the lesson is completely gone now, I cannot concentrate, I should lock the dogs in the house when I am here at KabU.

      I go outside and find that he has managed to get behind the gate and he is locked out of the yard, howling at me to come in. He had a good reason, and I laugh. The Creator has set me up with a fine example of what I just learned in this lesson and even though whatever it was I was going to write instead of this is now gone, I am feeling closer to the Creator because of it. Thank you for this lesson Tony, and Thank You to the Creator for the timely personalized example. Lately I feel chosen.

    • #361957

      There appears to be such irony in the approach. We are so easily discouraged and so many will give up. It is as though the Creator’s methods eliminate most rsther than drawing them closer. Is the Creator being selective? Is the Creator thinning out the heard?

      • #362545

        We need some perspective.
        It took a few billion years before Earth was formed and a few billion more for some mud to be burned, frozen, washed away, reassembled, smashed, etc until it started forming more and more complex life until some monkey climbed down a tree and eventually inventing a wheel and the Internet.
        So by now we’re moving at a pretty good pace.  Like a pyramid, the inanimate development took billions, then the vegetative, some hundred millions, then the animal degree and then the human degree is relatively new on the scene and what we call civilization and written language, etc is only a few thousand.
        However, I’m with you, I’m inpatient.

    • #359447
      Nick Martinez

      Hi there

      It’s interesting how this process of spiritual development tends to work out. During times of ascent and elation, the material seems to click and connect to reality in a very personal and direct way. But during times of descent and confusion, the contradictions seem to pile on the more I continue to read.

      It is said here in this article that not even a persons doubts or deviations from the work are of his own doing, because such would imply that the Creator is not omnipotent. But Kabbalah also seems to frequently assert that it is up to us how we form our reactions to the Creator and his actions, and that our success or failure in this area determines our spiritual progress.

      It’s possible we may have covered the free will subject already, so forgive me if I am asking the instructors to drum up a repetitive answer – but what is actually our part in our spiritual development? It feels like a paradox, in that we must exert ourselves to the fullest in order to cultivate the desire for altruism and reject egoism with all of our might – yet be completely and totally detached to results of any of our efforts because it is exclusively up to the Creator regarding the state of our revelation of Him.

      You can see why this might be discouraging especially in times of spiritual descent.


      Thank you again for all of your efforts

      • #359485


        The distance between us and the next spiritual degree is many times greater than the distance between us and animal degree.
        So image if you are trying to convince an animal about rising to the next degree..imagine the difficulty.

        Everything you wrote is in the correct direction. We are preparing to enter a new perception of reality and it comes from a force that is higher than the two opposing or paradoxical forces.

        Soon we will learn about the Kabbalistic group that we plant ourselves in. This group stabilizes and supports us through all of these states so that we can rely on faith above reason when our mind and body cannot  agree with holding two opposites at one time.


    • #357639

      why is the creator a girl and a guy at other times?


      why does the creator need anything from us?  how can we give to someone who doesn’t need anything?

      • #359214

        Everything in the books of kabbalah are speaking of spirituality.  In spirituality there are no girls and guys.
        Girls and guys didn’t come until much much later in the process of development of the desire.
        What we have since the act of creation, actually since the thought of creation which preceded the act of creation is a desire to bestow and a desire to receive that abundant bestowal.
        The force of reception is referred to as female and the force of bestowal is referred to as male.
        Of course the Creator does not need anything from us, this is how from our perspective understand these sublime things.  The Creator as if, wants to give all of His abundant delight and pleasure to the created being, to the common soul.  So what is incumbent upon us is to receive all of that abundance.  That is what He wants from us.
        How to receive spiritual abundance?  That is precisely why we received the wisdom of kabbalah.  Kabbalah means to receive.

    • #339866
      matthew shifflett

      Teacher, I feel like I know you. Please forgive me is there a way I can speak with you. My email [email protected] Your words penetrate straight to my soul. It makes so much sense to me. I have something I would like to share with you.

      • #359213

        Later in the curriculum we have live classes where the students can ask the instructors questions.
        On this forum we are not engaging in personal, confidential things and anything else should be shared here so that each and every one can benefit as we are all in this process together.

    • #339624
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      I was really comforted by this weeks revelations.  I go through periods of not feeling connected with the Creator and I thought I was doing something wrong … exhausting myself seeking seeking seeking.  Now I know that there was nothing I could have done.  Could it be that my faith muscle is being strengthened during those times of concealment?

      • #361953

        You described exactly where I am today. Word by word. Everything starts to make sense. So grateful to have met you all in this very moment. Now I know why.

      • #339861

        100% that is how it works.  You receive a new portion of light and the vessel expands.  The new vessel is empty and it feels dark, it feel dark because there is no attainment on that level yet.  Like telling a child to eat broccoli instead of ice cream, he has no way to see the benefit, but we start to understand what is happening, to reach spirituality, we don’t do it with our hands and feet, we do it with faith above reason, not blind faith, no way.  We have reason and then above that reason, we know it feels dark in our reason and we nevertheless adhere to Him, and then we rise to the new degree.  This gives us the opportunity to act not out of receiving reward, but to begin to free ourselves from the chains of the ego.

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