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    • #429642

      I was reading “Great Kabbalists throughout history” and was wondering if “Adam, the first man” is the same Adam as described in the book of Genesis, Adam & Eve?

      • #429730

        Hi Mark, yes, Adam HaRishon (first man) was not the first man, but the first to reach the degree of Adam [human], meaning a degree above the ego, above our world.

    • #424751
      Katrina Leeks

      My motivation for things I used to find fulfilling is gone. I’m only interested in revealing the Creator in my life. Yet, I am in a place where I don’t see Him enough to take action in anything because I don’t want to draw further away from Him. I continue through my days and I am studying, but what should my prayer be? Should it be for an altruistic quality?


      • #425713

        Hi Katrina,

        The prayer should change. It’s from your current state, to the Creator. Knowing the goal of Creation, what is a prayer that you could truly ask now, your state +1?

    • #394905

      Hi, I have one more question :-)). What defines marriage/ partnership in Kabbalistic understanding? And what defines dealing with all the people out there who are not interested in Kabbalah, as it may be a big part of interactions? (I have read a lot in the blogs, but the question is not yet answered in terms of its spiritual foundation…I am not sure if the question is on the point enough… but Iĺl leave it there) :-). Thanks

      • #394953
        • #395379

          Hi Gianni, thanks so much for the input. The videos were really amazing, and I found there are a lot more… as it might be weeks to work myself through all of the others, if itś ok, I would like to sum it up to see if I am on the right track  and ask some questions that raised while I was watching the first four. I am really sorry, I cannot condense this more and make it really short, but I am afraid to miss out on important points then. So please feel free to go about this as you like. Thank you :-)))

          This is what I have understood so far:

          In partnership, and specifically marriage, there are two levels of that relationship, the corporeal one an the spiritual one. In the corporeal level, in an ideal relationship between two partners, there are two movements. One means that they both move from their point of existence and self towards each other, step by step sacrificing their egoistic desires in order to meet the other in the center; this happens on the corporeal level. Most relationships happen on that level; and often enough that emptiness that is felt on this level plus the sacrifices that need to be given to meet the other, are enough to split up again, and get divorced, because there is no „plus“ felt, and it feels rather than being deprived of oneś freedom. However, if the partners reach the other in the center of their relationship, they may raise up to the spiritual level of their relationship, thus a third point is created above them; which is the point of connection. This elevates both of them, while being in this point of connection, itś also kind of bridging the gap between the two singles points of existence. When this happens, a triangle of relationship forms, with the point of connection being the top point. In this point of connection, itś about finding oneself in the other, which requires totally committing to the other. Starting from this point; a new thing is being developed … a cell.. which will allow new points for connection … and that is a family. (Question: is a family a spiritual new form?)

          Struggles in relationships are „normal“ phenomena, because if we dońt feel each other in the uplifted point of connection, we will always feel our sacrifices, which we need to make to reach out to the other, first… so in order to meet each other, itś easier to follow the path of connection than the path of sacrifice. However, itś also possible to learn to follow the corporeal path, by choosing connection over conflict, by making an attempt to really enter the world of the other, being interested of what is the content of the partnerś world, by defining rituals that allow time to positively interact and take care, not waiting for demands or questions leading the process, but by positively and actively forming this connection. (Question: Is the corporeal level of a partnership the learning environment, the „playground“ to learn from, and grow from spiritually, so that it is simply necessary to learn how to sacrifice and grow together, or can we skip it be relying on spiritual connection?)

          Marriage as a point of institutionalised connection means commitment, i.e. committing oneself to thorougly supporting the other in his or her spiritual development. It says in one of the videos that marriage is like a lever helping us to through that connection reach a higher level of spirituality. In that connection we may develop a new spiritual, neutral form, through which we may discover the forces that are operating on us, the laws of nature from a spiritual point of view. Marriage is like the birth of of the „couple“ as a spiritual entity, which is different than just the sum of the two partners. (Questions: Is a spiritually developing couple like Yin/Yang, spiritually complementing each other? is the sum more than the pieces and a new spiritual form? Is this form of spiritual growths predetermined?)

          This is achieved by annulling towards the other, i.e. letting go of the egoistic desires that separate each other. Thus, in being married, when both partners are educated to develop spiritually, they may discover themselves to feel „whole“ rather than just „half“ a body through being with their partner. In a way, when we reach that point of relating to another person of marriage, we bring on our shattered selfs, and by being together, we try to complete each other. But also, we try to become something „new“… we try to create a „new form“. However, this will only work when the upper force, the force of natures, wraps around this new form, and helps to sustain it. Therefore, the wish to reach this point of connection, to hold on to it, to feel the deficiency in not being able to create and sustain it alone, it attracts the upper light. And it needs that upper force to cover that „new form“ and sustain it. This force, that the partners in a spiritual relationship seek to reveal, ist the force of mutual love, and thus the force of bestowal, the force of nature. (Questions: I am unsure about this..Did I understand that the right way? Is anulling oneself in front of the other in the spiritual level the same as making the sacrifices on the corporeal world, so that one is the mind to do so/ the feeling and the other the action that leads to it?)

          So, if you read down to here, thanks a lot for your patience… this is really a crucial and very intriguing point for me… feel free to go about it as you like, I really appreciate your help. 🙂

        • #395482

          Is a family a spiritual new form?

          A family is rather a beastly form, a correct beastly form, but which has an Upper spiritual root, and because of that root one needs to also have the beastly form because, like all animals, one can’t feel whole without it, no matter what else he might have in this world.

          Is the corporeal level of a partnership the learning environment, the “playground” to learn from, and grow from spiritually, so that it is simply necessary to learn how to sacrifice and grow together, or can we skip it by relying on spiritual connection?

          We certainly can’t skip over the Creator’s creation. He is on the second story where access is granted depending on ones conduct on the lobby level.

          Is a spiritually developing couple like Yin/Yang, spiritually complementing each other? is the sum more than the pieces and a new spiritual form? Is this form of spiritual growths predetermined?

          We’re like puzzle pieces which don’t fit each other. The Light is the shape missing between us.

          Is annulling oneself in front of the other in the spiritual level the same as making the sacrifices on the corporeal world, so that one is the mind to do so/ the feeling and the other the action that leads to it?

          Realistically, it can’t happen in practice unless one succeeds first in a group of ten, as if the ten is their partner. Then one might know how to do it with their corporeal partner – because the breakage of Adam and Eve, from which the whole Shattering comes out, is the hardest and last to be corrected.





        • #395380

          Hi, in addition to my previous (unfortunately very long…) message, I have been trying to simplify this with a graph, and actually I just wanted to ask if my understanding of this is correct, but either I am not getting this image uploaded or it takes very long and this thread will be spammed with my trials (sorry if so, please delete it…)… Iĺl try once more, but then Iĺl spare you from more attempts…

    • #394428

      I read on one text that everything that exists already exists in itś perfect state, as well as in the other states, for there is no time and space in spirituality. And that there is no „change“, but just „additional states“ … so how many states of a soul do exist than simultaneously? 125? or more? For then, it feels to me like all we would have to do is „open our eyes“… only we dońt have eyes yet… Do these states reveal themselves when we reach that state in terms of equivalence of form? So like… you can only perceive what you actually are yourself? And I mean, in itś last consequence… it should be that everything has  already been worked out, does already exist in this dimension of infinity…?  I am not just asking from a theaorteical point of view… I feel it might give some peace of mind… itś like „when itś already been done, itś just worth going for it, because at one point it will be done anyways…“…

      • #394839

        That’s all correct. What I am is shown to me as versions of Eyn Sof that precede my correction. So, I only need to correct my inner qualities as soon as possible. What you might do in 5 years, you could do in 5 days, and so on.

    • #394381

      How do Kabbalistis/advances  Kabbalistic students balance out the switches between being connected versus disconnected? It seems like the higher you rise up, the lower you will fall – in order to grow that vessel. Or is there a point, when you dońt get disconnected anymore ( I mean, while still being alive of course).

      • #394837

        Until the Vessel includes all of Eyn Sof, it needs to keep growing. Kabbalists handle this by surrounding themselves with the right books, group and teacher, so they will have the importance of the goal because if you have that then you feel it’s an adventure instead of hard.

    • #381256
      Hai Mag

      How can I enter the group of 10 or is it better to wait until the end of the course?

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