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    • #314778

      It’s interesting that in previous courses I do remember we said this world is world of branches, and whatever happens here can’t affect the world of root.

      Now in this course, we say our spiritual action solve problems from below up, affect the world of branches by affecting the world of root.



      • #314791

        Hi Sarah,

        That’s correct, we can’t change anything in our world. It only seems to us that we change things with our will and actions. That’s because the depiction before me is a result of my inner qualities. So, if I want to change things in my world instead of changing myself, then I’ll find that no matter how much I do, nothing will change, except that everything will adapt to again await for me to change myself under even harder conditions. However, this depiction is only of my own uncorrected qualities. If I draw the Reforming Light upon myself through the study of Kabbalah, then my qualities change from reception to bestowal – even a little bit – and different, better world is depicted. So, it’s not that we can’t do anything. It’s that we need to know in what field there is something we can change, and in what field I can exert as much as I please but the efforts will all be in vain.

    • #314702

      Does the “collective ego” (Evil Inclination) have its own Will to Exist within the Will to Receive Pleasure? Like a built in part of the system Kabbalists refer to as The Creature?

      The illusion of seperation becomes confusing to me sometimes; making it difficult to “be here” and fear disconnection above all else

      I hope this question makes sense and thank you so much for all you are and all you do 😔

      • #314706

        No, what it is is that the Desire cannot stop existing as all parts of it belong to the Final Correction where they all need to be fulfilled with the Upper Light. The ego is the intention to receive, and it’s eternal too, except it’s form becomes an opposite expression – to bestow. It’s not worried that I’ll die, in fact it’s job is to waste my days until I’ll find myself in a casket, so that going against its councils I’ll choose to be more towards bestowal each moment. That ensures I’m getting there by free choice because each time the ego gives me a chance to see whether I need spirituality now, or I can wait another day; and then to see that when I wait, tomorrow won’t be any different. I’ll still have to overcome greatly and decide that now and only now is the time to attack the spiritual goal.

        • #314713

          Thanks so much Gianni 🙏

    • #314554

      In one of the readings we can read “there is a single reason behind all the negative phenomena. When we understand that reason, we will be able to provide a single, comprehensive resolution”. Does this mean that I will continue to suffer and see people I know (and love) continue to suffer until the whole of humanity comes to attainment? Until we all come to practice love?

      • #314563

        Hi Soraziz,

        First, I need to correct myself, to balance at least a bit with the Upper Force. In this, I already start to feel the corrected state more and more. The corrected state is where no one is suffering, and we don’t understand how, but also no one ever suffered. The Upper Force did only good to all people in every moment.

    • #312225
      Roger Fry

      As far as i understand prayer is our intention; receiving in order to bestow. Is having a heart felt intention to achieve equivalence of form a prayer? When I feel good/blissful do I pass this to everyone or pass it up to the Creator? How would i navigate these situations? Thanks

      • #314589

        Thank you very much. I can’t wait to get there.

      • #312240

        Hi Roger,

        There are several things we need to sort out here. Is the prayer the same as the intention? When I feel good, why do I feel good? Is it because I’ve done an act of connection? My child feels good when he’s watching YouTube? Am I happy because he’s happy? I don’t want him to be happy from that. He can’t bring me contentment from that.

        • #312283
          Roger Fry

          Hi Gianni,  I think my question was, is intension the same as prayer? Maybe if you could clarify that as it appears to be a slippery subject.  Many thanks.

        • #312301

          There’s Tfila (prayer) and Kavana (intention), two different actions.

    • #311492
      Leah Bergman

      In this weeks related material, there was a blog post. In this post Rav Laitman said the government we have know is linear and we need it to be circular. What does this mean?

      • #311538

        Hi Leah,

        If we could see how we’re governing things, from a higher level, we’d see ourselves as parochial and foolish. Like small children who only know about today. You can tell him that if he eats the marshmallow now, he won’t get marshmallows for the rest of his life. He can’t stop himself because he has a chance to have a marshmallow now. If some version of me won’t have marshmallows tomorrow, let that guy deal with that. Let’s say this is linear thinking. The decision you made was horrible, yet you fatuously think it was brilliant. This is how every government is behaving. So the future will be horrible, and theirs too. I don’t care if forests burn down and even if a million people die because I’m playing a sort of Candy Crush with people’s lives, in which I can now see another zero change digits in my bank account. Circular, or integral thinking, I have to be in the quality of the Creator for, or I have to listen to one who is in contact with the Creator. Otherwise, behind any good I try to do, I’ll discover a deeper layer of egoism. The Creator on the other hand is integral, can think in all directions at once, knows that any action affects everything and everyone, and can take everyone into account. Such actions are the only ones that can bring outcomes that won’t certainly bring more suffering to the world.

        • #311553
          Leah Bergman

          Thank you. It is very clear now.

    • #307499

      I’m confused about the concept of the soul. We learn that one does not have a soul until one grows it from the point in the heart, which is the ‘seed of the soul’.

      In the passage below it speaks about souls that desire spiritual elevation.

      But the meaning of the point in the heart is a desire for spirituality. So isn’t a soul necessarily ‘desiring’ spiritual elevation?


      ”We have already stated that in every generation the same souls return, clothed in new bodies and retaining their previous experiences. Therefore, each generation is wiser than the last and aspires for something higher.
      During the time of the Ari, the general evolution of the
      souls was such that souls desired spiritual elevation and were not satisfied with a mere ordinary life on the level of this world.”



      • #307547

        It’s simply that the seedlings are called by the name of that which they have the potential to be.

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