Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #430925

      Hi there.. thankyou for this lesson.. what arose to be asked was to do with free will.. am I on the understanding that within this teaching there is only a direct result of intention that exists?

      And if so, is the intention also fueled by the creator as the expansion and desire to match that of the light grows?

      Meaning, is this just an unfolding that is occurring all on its own?

      • #430929

        Hi Jodi,

        Free will is a very complex topic that we will tackle in depth in the next semester. But just some food for thought:

        If our nature is the desire to receive pleasure, meaning all of our conscious or unconscious choices are simply to chase pleasure and run away from pain, in that case, how can we have any free will? If you load a super computer with the same data, the same parameters, it will make the same choices as us. And even if you give the computer more information, more data to use, it will still operate according the same operating system it was loaded with, it will continue to make the same calculation for chasing pleasure and running away from pain. So where is our freedom?

        And if we don’t have any free will at all, and everything is simply working according to some pre-programmed algorithm, then what is the point of it all?

        You don’t need to answer these questions, just think about it, and we’ll study this topic in depth in lesson two of the next semester.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #430814
      Ricky Moses

      How are there only 600,000 fractures of soul when there are millions of people in the world? Does not everyone have one? Or are there are fractures within those fractures? Like it keeps fracturing and creating more souls. But the original fracture was 600,000. I’m just looking to understand

      • #430878

        Hi Ricky,

        The population is relative to the level of the general egoism that needs to be corrected. As the ego grows, the soul is fragmented accordingly so that our common egoism is divided between us, making the work of correcting the ego easier for all of us.

        Rav Laitman writes about it in one of his blog posts:

        “600,000 is the number of initial fragments, but after that they are fragmented again into whatever number is necessary for the optimal correction in each generation – so that each fragment will have as much egoism as it’s able to correct. Therefore, to the degree that egoism grows, the world’s population grows as well.”

        Albert @ KabU

    • #430808

      I have a question about inter-generational trauma/dysfunction or “family curses”..the language doesn’t matter just the concept of being born into an unconscious family tree and being the one who chooses to break the cycle by doing the conscious work. I can see that the family line I am from has been a continuation of the path of pain/suffering. My individual soul part has awakened and is on a mission to correct and return to creator but it has been a very long, strenuous, and painful path of recovery, correction, and healing. The path of suffering pushed me into the path of light because it was too unbearable to live the way I inherited. Do you have any further information or resources that talk about this concept of being born into unconscious lineage? Curious to know how Kabbalah addresses this.. thanks

      • #430881

        Hi Lexi,

        For the most part, none of us are born into a family of Kabbalists. So why did we receive awakened points in the hearts?

        All of humanity is part of a single system. Within this singular system, there is a certain order of corrections that need to take place. It’s like building a large jigsaw puzzle. First you start with all the corner pieces, and only then do you gradually work your way to the center. It’s the same with our spiritual work. There are those that are awakened to this work earlier and those that are awakened to it later. Those that received awakened points in the hearts are like those corner pieces of the puzzle that need to start the whole process. Later on, due to their good work, they pave the way for the rest of the world to join this process.

        So ultimately, whether a person receives a point in the heart now or later depends on their place in the system, which is called the root of one’s soul.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #430773
      Renata Cann

      Just wondering how Kabbalah sees forgiveness? Shall we forgive someone and in a way, go against our self respect? Or not forgiving someone would be interpreted as an egoistical attitude with lack of compassion to another? How can we forgive someone who has hurt us and keep loving that same person?

      • #430798

        Hi Renata,

        From a simple corporeal level, we see that keeping strong negative feelings inside of us ultimately causes much harm to our health. So from that point of view, it is worthwhile to forgive others.

        As for how Kabbalah relates to forgiveness, check out New Life episode 325 – Forgiveness. (the link leads to the summary of the episode and the picture on top leads to the full video.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #426966

      I have a question regarding attributes of the creator. It seems that within us is a desire to reduce, minimize, alleviate, or even eradicate suffering, at least as much as possible. This desire seems to be altruistic at its core.

      I cannot speak for others, but I myself have become very focused on this and it seems to be my driving force. However, it seems that from the lesson that suffering is an integral part of the process and not necessarily “evil”.

      If naturally the will to relieve or reduce suffering is within us, at least once we awaken it, then would this not be in-line with the attributes of the Creator, which is unconditional altruism?

      However, if it is in the Creator’s nature to create a system that includes suffering, and it is in our nature to try and rise above this by minimizing the suffering we see in the world, then how would this contradiction be harmonized?

      Any thoughts on or deeper exploration of this idea would be much appreciated.

      Thank you,

      • #426983

        Hi Lux,

        We learn from the Kabbalists that every single moment comes to us directly from the Creator, this is called “there is none else besides Him”. Furthermore, they also say that He is the “good that does good”. Meaning that every moment He is sending us nothing but goodness. But why then don’t we see this in our world? Why do we see so much suffering and problems in the world?

        This is because our world is governed by our egoistic nature. This egoistic nature is opposite to the Creator’s nature. Because of that, it inverts the Creator’s goodness into something bad. It’s just like multiplying numbers: a positive times a negative equals negative.

        So as long as we remain within this egoistic nature, we will continue to see and feel more suffering and bad things in the world. But if we correct our nature to be similar to the Creator’s nature, then we will reveal the true reality in which only goodness exists, and our previous egoistic state would appear as nothing more than a dream.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #426853
      Lily Palacios

      Could you please talk about the 600,000 souls? If we are millions of people, what is the equivalent?

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