Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28813

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #360689

      Nós podemos sentir o criador, mesmo antes de conhece-lô?

      • #360699

        Google translation of Johan’s question:

        Can we feel the creator, even before we know him?

        Hi Johan,

        You won’t be able to feel Him or know Him before you become similar to Him. This is because feeling the Creator works according to the law of equivalence of form. Meaning that in order to feel Him, we need to become similar to Him, to His qualities of love and bestowal. This is just like how a radio can pick up an external wave, when we tune the internal frequency of the radio to that wave.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #359242

      Rav Laitman has said that it is good to be with others who recognize the Point in the Heart and are also started on the Path of Wisdom. But as we look to change the Will to Receive to the Will to Bestow, slowly climb the Ladder, what of the people in your close circle who are in Disparity of Form with you? Does the goal of Altruism mean giving to the Creator and we share that with others who are more Equivalent of Form, other students for instance?  Or is this challenge of being with those of Egoistic Desire, refusing to leave the Path of Suffering, part of the lesson? What are the goals where these people are concerned?

      • #359245

        Hi Sheila,

        Our spiritual correction is first of all in the mutual work we do with other points in the heart. Meaning that it’s primarily within the Kabbalistic group. With the rest of the world, we should follow the rule that “there is no coercion in spirituality” and not force any spiritual work on others. There we should behave normally, just like everyone else.

        Normal meaning that we don’t turn into monks and run away from the world. And we also don’t turn into saints and start sacrificing ourselves for the world. But just be normal: work in the normal way, raise our families and take care of our health, etc, all in the normal way that is customary in this world.

        And in the more advanced stages of our development, we will start to see how the problems and situations we undergo in our day to day life are also a part of our spiritual correction. Our day to day life makes it more challenging to stay connected to the Kabbalistic group. And it’s thanks to these challenges that we can develop to higher spiritual levels. Similar to how a bodybuilder needs to keep adding resistance for his muscles to grow bigger.

        We’ll learn how to work with all these things more practically in the advanced semesters.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #336979
      Tammy Ardoin

      I have a question please. If we want to learn about Kabbalah is this the will to receive, because we want to learn this information? As we attain equivalence of form, is the will to receive inverted to Bestowal? Would this be considered Bina? Because we are receiving this teaching in order to bestow?

      • #337053

        Hi Tammy,

        1. Our nature is the desire to receive. So everything we do, including learning Kabbalah, stems from this nature. This is also why the point in the heart, that initial desire to pushed us towards Kabbalah, is called a black dot. Black meaning it’s not yet corrected and even our study in Kabbalah is for egoistic reasons.

        But that’s okay. No one is born corrected and no one is demanding of us to be saints. Our work is not in correcting ourselves, our work is only in extracting more and more of the light, especially during the Kabbalistic studies, and the light is ultimately what corrects us.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. When the light corrects us, it gradually inverts our desire to receive into bestowal and by that we reach equivalence of form, we reach higher and higher qualities of bestowal, including Bina.

        3. Although receiving to bestow sounds like it’s within our reach, in practice, it’s a very very high spiritual degree that we are nowhere near. So I wouldn’t put much focus on that now so we don’t get confused by it.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #336394
      Zachary Hanlon

      Is it possible for one to have tastes of an emanation they have not attained, or to have a temporary equivalence of form with a higher emanation, as if it was a preview, only to have it slip away, then motivating the individual to cultivate their point to further attainment?

      • #336454

        Hi Zachary,

        It’s possible.

        Albert @ KabU

      • #336396

        Did this happen to you?

        • #336418

          Sorry if my question to you is rude or off putting but I just wondered why you asked this particular question.

    • #336293

      Maybe I did not understand correctly, but the human level has 613 desires. So each human has its own 613 desires or are they the same for each human, just with a different “dressing”? Do the inanimate, vegetative and animals also have 613 desires each? because from the graph tony did, there are 613 laws governing us, animals, plants and inanimate.

      • #336482
        Zachary Hanlon

        It has happened to me consistently in powerful ways since I was a teenager. I saw a lot of things far before I understood them, and had some incredibly powerful life changing and life saving experiences. I don’t view the question as rude.

      • #336294

        Hi Carlos,

        There are 4 levels in nature: still, vegetative, animate, and speaking (human). Within each level, there are 4 sub levels: the still of the still, the vegetative of the still, the animate of the still, the speaking of the still, etc. Humanity as a whole is currently found on the speaking sub-degree of the animate level. Meaning we have not yet reached the true speaking degree, which is a spiritual degree.

        As such, we don’t yet have the 613 desires that Kabbalah is talking about. Those desires begin on a higher level than our current animalistic level. This is similar to how a single cell in a body only has some basic desires. But when that cell is part of a greater body, it reveals there higher desires which are impossible for the individual cell to have: desires for money, honor, power, etc. Same with us, until we integrate with the general body of Adam HaRishon, we don’t reveal or understand these 613 desires of the speaking level.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

        • #336529

          It happened to me too but only one time. It was in the early 2000’s the night I read my first book on Kabbalah. Very nice to meet you.

    • #332891

      What a great lesson. Please, I have some deficiencies.

      I desire to know, we exist in this field of influence–which is the Creator. And every acts of the Creator is not a corporeal act but a spiritual actions, however, we perceives this actions as physical actions because we are opposite to the Creator. And we have a disparity of form with him. And every thought and intentions we received from Him must follow the same law of equivalence of form– meaning we must reciprocate the same thought and intention in order for us to be in equivalence of form with the Creator.

      Is the above expression correct? Please correct me.

      I wish to ask,..
      1- What is spirituality?
      2- What is thought and what is intention? Are they the same?
      3- What do you mean by bestowal and Love? Since everything in the level of human is spiritual?

      Thank you for you reply.

      • #332910

        Hi Kima,

        1. Spirituality is the extent to which we become similar to the Creator, to His qualities of love and bestowal.

        2. At the root of everything is the desire. Thoughts are generated by the desire to help it to reach what it wants. Intentions are how we aim those desires, whether we use the desires in order to receive or in order to bestow.

        3. Bestowal and love means being able to fulfill the desire of someone else.

        You can say that everything on the human level is spiritual. But we’re not yet on the human level. There are 4 levels in nature. Still, vegetative, animate, and speaking (or human degree). Within each level, there are 4 sub levels: the still of the still, the vegetative of the still, the animate of the still, the speaking of the still, etc. Humanity as a whole is currently found on the speaking sub-degree of the animate level. Meaning we have not yet reached the true speaking degree, which is a spiritual degree. We reach the speaking degree when we become similar to the Creator, meaning when we rise above our egoistic nature into the nature of love and bestowal.

        Check out these readings for more details:

        Shamati 153: A Thought Is a Result of the Desire

        Guest & Host Analogy from Chapter 3 of Attaining the Worlds Beyond

        Albert @ KabU

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