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    • #359774
      Zach Ansel

      In the 4th phase where it speaks of “the pleasure of controlling the creator”, is that referring to developing the desire to bestow, which is opposite to will to receive that the creator originally bestowed? (If that makes sense)

      • #359796

        The desire to control the Creator – in that He wants to bestow to my desire to receive and thus it’s as if I’m controlling Him – is the ultimate Will to Receive. I’m not yet thinking how to bestow to Him, but that now it’s as if I’m the ruler and He is my subordinate.

    • #357036

      I have been wondering why all Four phases of direct light are called “She” Is this referring to the Shechina?

      Also, does it mean that women were the first spiritual beings to be created and not men?

      • #357071

        Let’s not add words like “Shechina” and woman here – they don’t exist yet. “She” has no more significance than calling the outlet and plug by the names “male” and “female” as electricians do.

    • #356949

      You said that The Light of Hochma was expelled. What do you mean by that? Is it possible to reject what you already received? And what if the giver refuses to take it back?

      • #356965

        In Hochma the Light is received. Bina is a new Phase that only has the Light of Hassidim, and not the Light of Hochma. The Creator doesn’t need to take anything back. The Light that is expelled becomes Surrounding Light to the vessel.

        • #357032

          If Bina didn’t have the same light as Hochma, then why is it called four phases of direct light and not four phases of a different light? Because this concept of direct light somehow means that the light was the same.

          What is a phase?

          The light of Hochma was expelled. How did Hochma expel the light? What mechanism did Hochma use to expel the light?

        • #357069

          “Direct Light” means without a Screen on behalf of the Desire. All is done from Above. That’s the meaning of Direct Light.

          A Phase is a discrete state with specific qualities. They’re divided in this way for us to understand, even though it is one Kli, and the beginning of each change starts in the previous Phase.

          The mechanism used to expel the Light is the change in Desire. The Light fills it according to its desire.

    • #339857

      Why is it called Four Phases of Direct Light and Why not four phases of Opposite Light?

      • #339869

        Well, that’s above my pay-grade. But it’s Direct Light, direct reception without the intermediary Masach (Screen). All the names of things are according to the user, i.e. relevant to the Created Being – and what the Created Being needs is not to receive directly, but only with a Restriction, Screen, and Reflected Light.

        • #357035

          This concept of the four phases of Direct Light is very confusing.

          If the Creator’s intention was not for us to receive directly, then, that means all of our work is to build this screen on top of every phase of our development. I think that is very difficult.


        • #357070

          Yes, but that’s what stands before each of us.

    • #337258

      Had to see this video a couple of times to understand 🙂

      I know that these are just “schemes” to help us understand, but I dont understand something Bina and Zeir Anpin. If they reject the light, to where does the light go as the creator cannot receive it?

      • #337259

        Actually if they really really can reject the Light – and this is something we’ve never done and can’t do yet – it is actually received as Ohr Pnimi (Inner Light).

    • #331798

      Dear Gianni,

      I have seen the video “The 4 phases of Light” many times, and I think I can figure a little (it is, that I have now some concepts and ideas associated to each phase or Zephira) about Keter, Hochma, Bina and Malchut, but I am very confused about Zeir Anpin. Zeir Anpin is when I feel like that actually everything is fake, a fiction, not real? This feeling being moved by the will to receive something real? And then it is the transition to the growth of TWTR in Malchut.

      And what does it mean to control the Creator? Is it kind of using the prayer as a magic wand to get my whims?

      Thank you very much.

      I was needing this specific course as a necessary complement to study the 4 initial introductory courses of Kabbalah. Thank you very much, it is really of so much needed help.

      • #331799

        Thanks, Marta. I can answer the second question about controlling the Upper Force. I can’t exactly answer the first question because we need to think of these 4 Phases as related to states and feelings that we have never experienced and can’t relate to. They’re prior to the Creation of reality as we know it. The examples provided in the videos are the analogies that can be made – just to give us at least some understanding about them.

        The state of wanting to control the Upper Force is where Malchut sees that it can use the Creator’s love, like if a baby would know to what extent she is actually the head of the household, according to the parents’ love for her, by which she is the one for whom everything is done. The parents work; big systems are in play that the baby doesn’t know about – all for her benefit. Similarly, it’s as though Malchut runs the Upper Force, and not the other way around.

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