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    • #329044
      Zealot Mines

      I have a 3 questions:

      1. Is ultimate fulfilment infinite? Follow up question on the same(Ten Serfirot Video) Gil talks about the “Final Correction”… how is that in relation to Ein Sof?.. no end?

      2. In some past videos I watched where is the left, Middle and center lines…? In the Ten Serfirot.

      Lastly, in the diagram showing the chronology of Kabbalist, from Adam, Abraham, Moses…  seems to me somebody altered some history.. as the bible(new testament) to be specific relates to or talks about similar concepts;..  if so.. is/was that part of egoist development of man?


      • #329081

        The Gmar Tikkun is the final correction but after that, more happens. Only perhaps the greatest Kabbalists have had a glimpse of what. So, I don’t know about the ultimate fulfillment. But Eyn Sof means no limit, meaning according to the size of the vessel, you can fill it with no limit.

        Yes, there’s a correlation between lines and Sefirot.

        Many books talk about the written contents of what’s in Kabbalistic texts. We only consider, for purposes of rising from our world to the spiritual world while we’re still alive, the Zohar, the writings of ARI, Baal HaSulam, and Rabash. The rest is philosophy. We’re practitioners.

    • #328981
      Zealot Mines

      How can you measure spirituality?

      • #329080

        The tools needed are Restriction, Screen, and Reflected Light.

      • #329003

        After I reach spirituality I can measure it by the Aviut (coarseness) and Kashiut (hardness) of the Masach (screen), by the Ohr Yashar (direct light) that strikes the Masach, and by the Ohr Hozer (reflected light) that returns to the source.

    • #322221
      Tove Jo

      As I read the questions and the answers here…. I understand this is all so complecs to understand, but anyway it is interesting.
      It all seams so real this world, and my thoughts become that from above looking down the understanding might becomes clear.

    • #319150

      Dear Gianni,

      So, has the oft-fictionalized Apocaalypse already happended, as it did in Stanley Kubrick’s “Dr.Strangelove”?

      See you in PRDS!



      • #319151

        We can only say something happened, according to our vessels. So, we need to be realistic. We’re fine for now. But there is a state coming up where we won’t be fine. As the prophets (who were Kabbalists) write. So, we need to go forward toward the spiritual goal more quickly. Otherwise, it will reach us in a not good way. Each one of us.

    • #307626

      May i ask, when we want to acheive phase 4 (receiving as a giving to Creator), can we say Phase 4 is all about appreciation? or there are something other than appreciation that can help phase 4 manifested.

      • #307630

        Hi Sarah,

        If we are talking about Phases, Phases come from Above downward. We are many degrees after that, in a world below the Barrier to the Upper Worlds, an imaginary world, like a dream. In this dream there is no such thing as bestowal, and the truth is, there is also no reception. We always think we’ll receive but the moment we get close to any fulfillment, it slips right through our fingers, like turning on a light without a filament in the bulb and a short circuit occurs. Thus, from trying to receive, what we get instead is darkness. So, in our world there is no reception to even work with. There is no bestowal, of course, either. Because I don’t have a Kli (vessel) yet. You see, the Four Phases are talking about states when there was a Vessel. Now, there isn’t. As you’ll see in later episodes, the Vessel shatters. That’s our big problem now. So, we’re not near to such states whatsoever. We’re in some kind of post-nuclear bomb wasteland, spiritually speaking, where we need to turn to some higher force for help. The wisdom of Kabbalah puts us in contact with that Upper Force.

    • #303314

      This is so beautiful. Nothing to say for now.

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