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Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor.

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    • #381776

      under “check for understanding” , 2nd question asks:

      The essence of creation is:  A. Light B. desire to receive

      the correct answer is Light.

      however here in related materials  “The Science of Kabbalah”
      pages 87-90 , it says : “It turns out that the “desire to receive” is the essence of the creation”

      which is correct or both? if both then this quiz shouldn’t exist?




    • #374702


    • #364003
      Lu Lu

      Thank you!

    • #359463


      So the creature will seek to become like the creator after being opposite to him. Should the creature also try to make other creatures around him do the same or does it go by itself?

      • #359713

        Hi Gianni,

        Do you mean that other people are already corrected? But here we are all here trying to correct ourselves.

        Also doesn’t trying to correct oneself attract evil forces? Isn’t it risky?


        • #359768

          These are mysteries of perception of reality. There’s a few things here I can’t sort out for you, so let’s say you’re right. I need to focus on others, on what’s after my skin, and that will be my correction. And I need to work with others, even though later it will turn out that there are no others.

      • #359635

        I only need to correct myself. All the world is for me alone – a projection of internality: everyone else is corrected already.

    • #339408

      I heard, to be similar to the Creator means to become free.

      To become free from what? To be free from the Will to receive he gave us?

      • #339411

        That perfectly describes the problem: to become free from what? I don’t feel that I’m more a slave than any imaginable and that this is sorrowful – by being ruled every second by the Will to Receive – and what might be were this not the case.

    • #337213

      Hi there! there is something I dont understand. After the shattering of the colective soul of Adam HaRishon, these sparks fallen down into this (material) world? If so, wouldnt these sparks rejoin again for the big bang and then disperse again?

      • #337222

        Hi Carlos,

        Our world is imaginary and the Big Bang is the branch of the spiritual root, which is the Shattering.

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