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    • #313127

      Hi Gianni thanks for  the lesson    please i would like to know  what is the daily practice  in Kabbalah

      in order to accelerate the one s spiritual progress?

      • #313135

        First of all you need to study because in the study there is a special Light that works on you. You’re asking about the implementation of the study, so first you have to study quite a bit. The practice, aside from study, is every day trying to break through to the feeling and perception of the Creator. There is much in that, though.

    • #312787

      Hi Gianni,

      Will our reshimo ever be revealed to us? If so, how? And what qualities are required?

      By the way, your concise method of communication is very much appreciated!


      • #312794

        Everything will be revealed to each one: where you are, were and where we’re going, and the good and beautiful reason why; the reason for everything leading up to this and why every single thing needed to be that way, and how we wouldn’t do it a bit differently. The reason we don’t yet identify a particular Reshimo we’re in is because it includes absolutely everything in our feeling, mind, everything. All that if I imagine it’s not past or future, but above timespace, including what inclination towards spirituality I have, is the reshimo I’m in.

    • #312000

      From where I stand right now, thinking about the desire to receive smacks of hedonism which in its basest form can’t be good. Does the perception of the need to receive change to something more positive as one ascends the ladder to Eyn Sof?

      • #312013

        Hi Sean,

        Yes, that same desire to receive that is at our core, we learn to use it in order to Bestow. The only problem is knowing the Upper Force, its Plan, how much it wants to give us, and under what conditions we can receive for its sake.

    • #311611

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello Gianni, I remember hearing somewhere in Kabbalah studies that we “should fake it until you make it.” It was said in context of having not yet achieved the next state. I don’t know how to fake it before the Creator. I can’t imagine being insincere would bring pleasure to Him. Is my assessment solely based on pride?</p>

      • #311612

        I wouldn’t use that phrase. We need to “play the state” of the Upper Degree. We need to learn what the Upper Degree entails and try to do those things. I simply can’t enter until I’m already like the degree, and the Light will not make me similar to that degree unless I am demonstrating my yearning to be like it.

    • #311604

      Hi Giani, please does the Kabalah say any thing about the red sea that was path into two for the children to cross on dry ground. Can that be explained by the fact that despite all what we go through only the creator’s plan for us will triumph?

      • #311610

        Hi Prescilla,

        You’re right that despite all that we go through the Creator’s plan will triumph, as all that we go through helps inch us more towards the goal of His plan. However, that has nothing to do with the parting of the Red Sea.

    • #302399

      To help visualize would it be correct to state that there are 5 worlds within in each of the 5 phases of creation (AKABYA) that can be imagined as 5 partzuf sets with tree of life structure?

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