Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #60711
      Mira Brooks

      To connect with others relates to truly loving one’s neighbors as oneself, to where we can relate to their desires and understand the commonalities that unite us. As has been described, we are part of one universal self, like cells in an organism. We can connect through altruism to one another and build unity.

    • #60693

      Somehow I’m confused by the question. When you say ‘what does it mean’, do you mean how does it feel, or what do the books say, or what do I imagine it would be like? I have only ever known reality from an egoic perspective, I can’t imagine any other reality than the one I know or one based on the things I know.

    • #60625

      It means coming together to the understanding by trial and error, that despite the feeling of being  apart and different, opposites from another,  there is only one loving source or force,  : we all are one, multifaceted organism, or soul, with the intention to reconnect ourselves  by means of a mutual  desire to become one whole unity, aspiring  equivalence of form with the Creator.

    • #60624

      Q: What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal?

      A shift in identity — from believing what my physical eyes and ego see (which is a reality made up of separate objects), to believing that part of me which knows I belong to a greater whole and which senses that we are connected.

    • #60622

      It means shifting from seeing others as the enemy to seeing them as myself.

    • #60621

      It means you have capitulate in front of your egoistic desires. You have accepted your egoistic defeat. You have tried everything you could imagine and has lost all egoistic options. You are empty. You have nothing to loose. And than you are ready to try alternative perception. At least taste it. And after it work on developing necessary properties to be able to process desire (which is neutral) in different mode (with new developed properties) – bestowal. Always fullfilled by serving others/Creator.

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