Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #60926

      I like this phrase from Julian’s video 2.4:

      Remember, you’re coming for an interview with the boss–with the Creator, with your Maker–and all the things that we discovered in this lesson are all about preparation. They’re all about mindset. They’re all about attitude.

      That sounds more than a prayer, more of a confrontation (with the boss). I am curious and full of expectation.

    • #60706
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      ” All of us have different desires, but our singular yearning implements the required contact.” Found this to be an eye opener, I’ve got, I love it!

    • #60513

      During week 1, I complained about being irritated by some of the personality traits of other students… then smack in the face w/this week’s lesson on Pluses & Minuses. Very revealing! Great challenge to see aspects of self ripe for correction! Powerful challenge to RISE ABOVE irritation & keep an open heart free of judgement. Grateful for the awareness.

    • #60510

      Reading the material, The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)

      23) With these words, we clearly understand what we said above (Item 5), about the Torah being given specifically to the Israeli nation, because it is certain and unequivocal, that the purpose of Creation lies on the shoulders of the whole of the human race, black, white or yellow, without any essential difference.

      It was not only mind blowing to see this but really exploded my heart with joy. Religion always felt like it separated us while this statement felt more connective and uniting than any other religious text. We are really in it TOGETHER, intertwined. Not some elite group, not just men, you don’t have to have all your limbs or speak a specific language….  the purpose of Creation lies on the shoulders of the whole of the human race, black, white or yellow, without any essential difference.  AMEN!

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