Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #315478

      I have learned that I have to be willing to set aside feeling that I don’t matter or that I somehow don’t deserve love to be willing to be receptive to the connection and elevation and love from the group.  Also setting aside whatever is going on in day to day life.


      Focusing on connecting to and loving others makes it easy to set the ego aside and shuts down the barrage of egoistic thoughts.

      I have learned that I can actually do that.

    • #315189

      In the book Awakening to Kabbalah pg 37


      • #315254

        received this book today, thank you so much for all our are and all you do ❤️

    • #315177

      Reading this forum is blowing my mind and expanding my heart in ways I could have never imagined possible, even in a million lifetimes; let alone this one ❤️🙏😍

      Prayers Up for the Light that Reforms to continue to Nurture through the Love of Friends and  Bring Contentment to Creator ❤️

      • #318222
        Lora Vatalaro

        I want to join in with this prayer! ❤️ Better said—I am joining in on this prayer!

    • #315038

      I am really excited. So many things are beginning to make sense. I am really happy to have reach this point.

      • #315175

        So glad to hear it, beautiful Friend 💖

    • #313157

      As I read the Avrut, I had a very profound experience of knowing how changed I am from the Miryam who got just about this far in the first 4 courses a couple of years back, closed the books (firmly, I thought) and walked away from KABU. What I used to regard as absolute arrogance – for instance, KABU’s teaching about the role of the nation of Israel as not only a gateway, but the only gateway – I now embrace as the simple truth. I am more and more in awe of the absolute perfection and beauty and love of the Creator’s plan for the conscious rejoining of all our separated fragments. I am more and more shaken and inspired by this fragment’s responsibility in this, for this.  I feel these two forces working together, driving me forward, and again, more awe. In truth, though, I need not be shaken. This is my arrogance. After all, There is none else besides Him.

      • #318223
        Lora Vatalaro

        I love your phrase, “this fragment’s responsibility in this, for this.”  Thank you for you post!

      • #315176

        Beautiful!!! 😘

    • #311925
      Seeker of Wisdom

      I was not aware of how organized the meetings for connection are (a breath of fresh air). It is extremely encouraging to see how devoted the mentors/teachers are to help the participants learn the rules and customs of group work. I almost feel (or do feel) the future connections being made and my point in the heart glowing from the joy I feel in the others. I look forward to playing my part in the most un-selfish way that is possible. I ask the Creator to create within me a new heart of flesh and help me discard the stubborn heart of stone. May you all come in contact (connect) and be transformed by the light of the Upper-Force!

      • #318224
        Lora Vatalaro

        Thank you so much!

      • #315178

        Thank you for helping me grow!!

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