Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 3 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #363325

      Se are one soul, we need to connect either voluntarily or the nature will do it for us… is inevitable.

      Thank you.

    • #359783

      This week’s teachings and readings gave me a profound respect for those who are traveling the Kab path and investing their time to share what they are attaining with others who are interested. And how their efforts are having a huge impact on others who aren’t searching in a very conscious or direct way at this stage. So I thank all involved in developing, presenting and providing  answers to our questions … from my heart! I hope (and intend) that one day I may be able to disseminate in these ways and help others find their way back to unity with the Creator. But first I need to attain this unity versus simply learn it! I know it will be a gradual process and that group work is crucial, so I look forward to the live workshop tomorrow and meeting and getting to know 9 of you in person. Shalom & filakia (love in Greek).

    • #359725
      maria santos

      In the related readings, Three questions I received on study, work and dissemination, in one of the questions it referred the student to read items 10-20 Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot. I have read these items before, but for some reason the discussion about the importance of faith and having that central to your study touched my heart. It doesn’t matter how much you study if your intention/faith is not correct. If your intention is right then  you will be brought to Lishma.

      As far as dissemination, I have found myself lately in conversations where I can contribute some kernels of Kabbalah, which I know it’s is not from me that they come from but from Him. At the beginning of this lesson,  I started to fear the word “dissemination”, I thought oh boy here it comes I have to go out and preach to the world and try to convince people to come to Kabbalah. But the words “spirituality is not coerced” kept coming to mind. Then I realized, it’s not going out “spreading the word”, but being a conduit to plant seeds that will hopefully take root, when He deems it is time.

    • #338764

      I understand the importance of “dissemination” but right now for me, like someone else described it…it feels daunting. The old saying goes… “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” I have been in a cult that forced “dissemination” to incredible heights. It was painful and at times a cruel and grueling experience. Maybe it’s a bit of PTSD. I just don’t want a repeat of where I’ve been so painfully in the past. They purported to have that ‘Biblical love for one another’ but it felt more like love for performance. So, it might take a bit of time for me to see through my own experience. I’m confident that I will. It will just take time. My heart is in the right place, but I’m just not in a place where I can start proselytizing Kabbalah. I’m new at this. I’m learning. I believe it will take some living in it to get past my past.

    • #338236

      I m really unsure about some of what is being presented.  Is this really all there is?  I m sure its true that the Creator is the source of all things – and there are so many other parts of the Kabbalah, all of which have additional and very beautiful spiritual wisdoms, that I wonder about the next steps as presented here as a narrow focus.

      KabU says that there is only one, tiny, space where we have free will, and that is whether we choose to freely follow the will of the Creator.   Does it follow that the only way of fulfilling the will of the Creator is to work in a group of 10, focused on disemminating the work of KabU as the means of salvation ?  Feels like a Catch 22.   And, if I question this, it s coming from my ego, which needs correcting by my group of 10.  Feels like a catch 22, again.

      Was it really

    • #338205
      Jack Davidsen

      I tried to log into FaceBook, but was unable to get through to the website, so I went to the video on YouTube instead, and I am blown away by how incredibly wonderful and inspiring the comments are, that everybody have written and posted there.

      I do intend to write and post a comment there myself, but I don’t want to rush it and risk posting something that doesn’t do KabU and Kabbalah justice, so I have to take a little extra time and try to get it right.

      I am grateful to be among such wonderful people, and by that I mean both students, instructors, and (of course) our one and only Rav, Doctor Michael Laitman.

      Thank you, everybody!… I hope you have all had some blessed and inspiring holidays! 🙂

      • #338246
        Jack Davidsen

        Okay, I posted a comment. It reads as follows:

        “Somebody asked me what I would say to somebody like myself, if they came apon the video on this page. I didn’t quite know what to say because to be honest, I haven’t met anybody else like me. But I thought it over, and here is what I came up with:

        you probably already know that you are interested in Kabbalah, in finding out what it is really about, and that is why you are here now. So, is this real Kabbalah? Is it true Kabbalah? Is it the ‘right’ Kabbalah, and is it right for you?

        Only you can answer that question, but in order to do so you have to check it out, and luckily that is easily done. All you have to do is visit the website that is being linked to in the description below the video. Once you visit the website, you will very quickly find out if this is something you think might be holding answers that you have wanted to know about for most of your life.

        Best of luck, my friend. Should you decide to join us in the study of this old and new wisdom, I wish you a warm: Welcome! 🙂 “

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