What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #302318

      In the first class,  I found the concept of Equivalence of Form to make sense as the key to spirituality.  In this course,  I hope to learn how to achieve this and also if it something most people accomplish or only a few.

    • #302290


      My experience from the previous course was interesting, confusing,  and finally revealing.  The revealing is how much I thought about that was pretty much a waste of time-EGO.  Although it was very subtle, it had an impact.

      Moving forward in this course I really just want to stay open,   anticipating  what’s trying to be revealed.

    • #302211

      In the last course, I learned to recognize the egoistic qualities of my desires and actions. From this course, I expect to get one step closer to the attainment of spirituality and the creator. Besides that, I expect to get more strength for my intention to correct my egoistic qualities to the quality of bestowal.

    • #302192

      The previous course was really interesting. It it good to know that everything is in the hands of the Creator. I cannot wait to learn more about Kabbalah. In this course I hope to learn more about this path,  how to reach the purpose of life, get spiritual sensation.

    • #302153

      I’ve learned how to configure a new aperture through which to perceive the world. It helps tremendously to tune into the wisdom of kabbalah daily and i feel tremendously grateful to people who made this wisdom available in revamped format for present day & age! Thank you @BneiBaruch! Although i tend to slide back and forth between my old (selfish&separate) self and new (altruistic&connected) self i expect to get better at maintaining a stable connection with the force of bestowal and with other like minded people.

    • #302097
      Tracey N

      The best experience of the previous course was gaining an understanding of what my ego is and being able to fully observe its intentions. I found it to be a much larger thing than I had first thought.

      I expect this course to clarify our relationship to the Creator and the whole of His creation and to move closer to the practical implementation of the method.

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