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    • #365425

      Key principles from article 1:

      1. The whole world was created for the fear of God

      2. The reason for creation was to benefit His creations

      3. The reason for us not receiving delight and pleasure is the disparity of form between the Creator and his creatures

      Key principles from article 2:

      1. Without annulling self-love, it is impossible to achieve Dvekut (adhesion)

      2. We need a society that will create a great force, so we can work on annulling self-love

      3. Each person should annul himself before the others.

    • #365382

      (I thought that the homework was just for part 2. I’ll post what I have and re-read part 1 and add more later if I see something I’d like to add).

      As individuals, to achieve our goal, the purpose of our creation, we must choose to join a group of people with the same mindset to reach the goal of creation. We cannot reach our goal alone.

      An individual must internally, reach outside himself and see all the rest as more important, turn his wants and needs inside out, to be more concerned for the others in the group than for himself. Without this internal action the goal cannot be achieved.

      What I get from having an “uninvited guest” this is my perspective. If a person’s ‘point in the heart’ isn’t ready to hear the seriousness of the goal of creation, we must honor his point of view over ours. To confuse or repel this person could be interfering with the Creator’s plan for that person’s point in the heart. If the other person, the uninvited guest, asks questions, it’s important to keep any response simple, at the level of the uninvited guest’s understanding.

    • #364969
      dree monster

      Homework 17 Mar 24 – 23 MAR 24

      Read the first 2 articles and extract 3 key principles that will help us achieve our goal.

      Purpose of Society – 1 Article No. 1, Part 1, 1984

      Purpose of Society – 2 Article No. 1, Part 2, 1984

      • #365659

        I just wanted to clarify one thing. None of us has the power to actually interfere with the Creator’s plans. I’m suggesting that we could let our internal thought and intentions be to help the Creator in any way that we can be used to help this person. To be an effective conduit for His plan.

    • #364965

      The whole world was created for me = I is the whole of MAN = the fear of God = to be happy by call his Name = help him delight His creations = delight friends by me = delight myself

      Branches are from roots = THE root at the end / beginning is bestowal = Creator needs nothing = MAN feels shame and pain being a receiver.

      To cancel the feeling of shame World was created to conceal the Light. MAN should not crave self-love but crave the vessel for delight = fear of god.

    • #364952
      Lora Vatalaro

      Summary of “The Purpose of Society 1”

      The Goals of Our Society:

      1.       To follow the path and method of Baal Ha Sulam

      2.       To climb the degrees of man

      3.       To not remain a beast

      4.       To follow the spirit of bestowing upon the Creator

      5.       To begin with bestowal upon man (love of others)

      6.       For the Divinity to be among us

      The Purpose of Creation:

      1.       For the fear of God

      2.       To benefit his creations

      3.       To delight the creatures so they would be happy in the world

      The Process of Correction:

      1.       Necessary because of the disparity of form between the Creator and the creatures

      2.       Because there is no reception in our root, man feels unpleasantness when he needs to be a receiver

      3.       Olam (world) was created so that delight and pleasure are concealed

      4.       Man must fear using his vessels of reception for self-benefit

      5.       Torah and Mitzvot were given to cleanse Israel

      6.       One should receive pleasures that bring contentment to the Creator

    • #364951

      Purpose of society

      The article writes about the purpose of establishing a society. The purpose is to create a way or method to climb the degrees of man. To become man and not remain beasts. The article refers to a verse of our sages which states “to fear God and keep his commandments”. In fact the whole world was creared for the fear of God. Yet the reason of creation is to benefit His creations and for us to be delighted and happy in this world. However the reason why we not are reciving delight is the disparity of form between the Creator and us. To correct this, the world was created for fear. It is actually the fear of man to receive only for one self and own benefit, this would prevent us from cleaving to the Creator. When we perform mitzvot we purify our intentions towards bestowing upon the Creator. We must do this by first bestowing upon man. We do this in our society by loving others (as our self). We should sherish and appreciate to be given  this chance to be in such a society.

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