How can we move forward on the path of light & transformation?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You How can we move forward on the path of light & transformation?

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 83 total)
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    • #221493
      hamilton de sousa

      The desire for spirituality need to rise above our egoistic nature.

      We need to create an environment for that process to happen, connecting to a group of people with the same intention and the desire for spirituality.

    • #190964
      Jan Koons

      by working on and changing ourselves to become more like the Creator.

    • #188116

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>We to try to be in a constant dialogue with the creator. And we can hear him talking directly to us after some time of study. He will show us in any second which desires drive us and what our intentions are. Every thought comes from a desire, and every desire is given to us from our greatest environment. So in order to want to proceed in the path of torah, we need to constantly put ourselves under the influence of authorized kabbalistic media and events.</p>

    • #60930

      By transcending our ego and its way of recieving pleasure and becoming like the Creator

    • #59718

      By working on ourselves correcting ourselves to be more like the creator

    • #57187
      Ed Mereoară

      By asking the Creator to correct us and have desire to build a vessel to go above our reasons.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 83 total)
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