Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 619 through 624 (of 628 total)
  • Author
    • #184516

      Hello, my name is Dyrk (pronounced “Dirk”). I’m 55 and have been engaged in a yoyo relationship with Kabbalah for nearly 10 years. I’m ready to connect and commit to deeper/higher work in this study because–like Walter Egan’s lyrics say–“you are a magnet and I am steel!”

    • #184433

      Good Morning World,
      My name is Colleen Hurley.  I am 60 years old, live with my boyfriend of 6 years, and have an old cat and an even older dog lol.  I live deep in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia in the United States, it is beautiful here and the locals call it “almost Heaven.”  I’ve been on a long spiritual journey in life and have always known there was something more like the name of someone on the tip of your tongue that you can’t quite remember.  I have such a longing in my heart!  I hope this path will “refresh my memory.”  BH.

    • #184303

      Hello Everyone hope you all are well. My name is Amelia and I have always had a burning desire to find out the truth about us. Why were we created, what are we doing here?? Is the Bible the truth or part of the truth or was it dissected thru the hand of men. I am not convinced and feel brainwashed although most may not agree. My doubt grew as I started to research and found out that our Saviors name is Yeshua Hamashiac not Jesus and it is printed so many times in the Bible. It is not even the true translation! I am here so that my eyes can opened to the real truth. Sorry for the novel..

    • #183792
      Sarah Lemming

      Peace unto you,

      Sarah Jean. I am here to grow with more wisdom and love. To intentionally live spreading love and light wherever I go without attachments or expectations. To be the best me for the world of oneness.

    • #183694
      Chris Almas

      My name is chris. I’ve studied neville goddard, thomas troward, napoleon hill, earl nightengale, bob proctor and these people all tend to have insight to the bible.  I’m interested in learning the esoteric meanings behind the text as these other authors have made the bible come to life as a much more meaningful book than a  so called history book.

    • #183560

      I’m Christina and am looking forward to learning about Kabbalah answers to the meaning of life. I’m interested in the methodology as well as the teachings.

Viewing 6 posts - 619 through 624 (of 628 total)
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