Post Retreat Impressions

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  • #128139


    Let’s share some of the best moments and highlights from the KabU Retreat

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  • Author
    • #295509

      first day amazing

      2nd day amaazing

      last day AMAAAAZING

    • #290144
      dree monster

      There was a retreat and I missed it !!!! ?

      • #294814

        i just asked myself the same thing! lol

    • #284136
      Maria B. W12

      Not being vaccinated and sitting in the middle of Europe, I could attend the Retreat only virtually.
      There were lovely moments I felt, but having been in the lock-downs and social distancing for a long time, it was the personal closeness, face-to-face meeting and talks, and the embraces I missed all along. Albeit prepared and having high hopes, I couldn’t become fully part of the energizing nature of the real environment to feel my energy lifted to the level, at which I could have stayed connected during all night programs, too, after all the day programs.

      Scrutinizing my feelings now in retrospect my memories are mixed. Lots of love and feelings of connectedness with a bit of sadness, even guilt(?) in me.

    • #221372

      Hi all,
      I entry to the GE this week. The live session are amazing. I felt so connected to everybody. And not only by the faces, but the hearts. I am in calm waiting every live session to be in contact with you all my new friends. I hope all of we with the point in the heart will finish this course and reveal the Creator between us. Let’s annul ourselves egos and also participate in order to be as one. Thanks for your faith and your effort to going through the barriers.

    • #183484
      Danielle Vergonet

      He all,

      I am just starting with the graduate class. The retreat was amazing! I felt so much love in side and towards others. I never felt like this before, it was so special. I barely could share my experience with others, because when I started to do it I was crying of happinez and of being touch by the retreat. It feels an amazing start for much more an I feel deeply grateful for that you all organised it.

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