Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Week 5 Discuss Preparation Question: How can we get in touch with the upper force and act with it mutually?

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    • #311645
      ali malekzadeh


      I think by using our nature “will to receive” and a corrected intention “not for me”, we can accomplish this goal.

    • #311424

      We can learn to get in touche withthe upper force by alligning our will with his will as we dimish the role of the ego.

    • #310838
      Eugene Sokol

      By learning to balance the will to receive / bestow until the will to bestow becomes dominate.

    • #310752

      To get in touch with the upper force & act mutually with it, we must form/mold the vessel through which reception may flow freely, then act with conscious intent in every single thing that we do. From there, through interpersonal dynamics, we may come to understand what trait(s) precisely need to be worked on, that are in current conflict with the Creator. If you seek love not just for yourself, but also your fellow, you will come to understand how & why your actions are not in alignment with that intention, & can begin to work on rectifying these qualities.

    • #310727
      Lora Vatalaro

      We can get in touch with the upper force by learning from the wisdom of Kabbalah how to awaken and develop our points in the heart and by developing a consistent intention to get in touch with the upper force.  We can create an intention to bestow to the creator and to use the wisdom of Kabbalah to refine that intention.  The intention to bestow to the creator will result in the mutuality of the intention to bestow coming to us from the creator and coming from us to the creator.

    • #310708

      By learnig how to use the Law of Equivalence of Form in our life !

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