Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #306674

      In recognition that we are each other, the admonition, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” will be a reality and intentions in interrelationships will transform from a ‘taking from’ to a ‘sharing with’ the whole. People will more readily understand what that whole actually is.

    • #305476

      All of humanity in harmony with the reforming Light!  Sounds awesome! All issues would be based in love, respect, peace and with dignity. How wonderful!

    • #305033

      I believe we would be in harmony in oneness and unity.

    • #304924

      Suppose enough people operated in this world according to the spiritual law of love and connected with the upper worlds; My guess about the results in the world is that the progression of cultures around the world may develop at an increased rate and/ or become more and more focused on attributes such as compassion, patience, openness, listening, reciprocity, mutual aid, charity/ generosity, integration, participation, active engagement with community, tolerance, education, communication skills, love, etc. To encourage the healthy development of people in society, education will morph to address these needs. Conflict and disagreements may still occur throughout the world, but the way these problems are addressed will be different.

      If people were connected according to the spiritual law of love, our values and desires would mirror those of the creator. We would have a better feeling and understanding of what life is, and this would affect our actions toward each other and our environment. We would feel supported much more than we do on average today, and thus more capable of reaching fulfilment. Like a ripple effect, or tipping past a threshold, the movement of those who reach attainment will influence their neighbors and their neighbor’s neighbors toward… something that I can’t see yet, but must be in alignment with creation’s plan.

    • #304139

      There would be a better perception of reality by people and these issues would be approached from this reality and by loving others as our selves we will all be uplifted by each other.

    • #304133
      Ahmed Tabella

      We would be aware of mutual integration, and act about our current narrow perspective.

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