Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #52035

      I expect from the lesson to understand the purpose of our life. What do I want to achieve from it is really understand how to change my desire to receive to the desire to bestow and became a real human being, similar to the Creator.

    • #51996
      Hunnit Acre Woods

      I expect that I will hear more about the will to receive being the reason for suffering and that I must cultivate the desire to receive in order to give in order to receive the true joy and light…
      I also expect that I will hear why the Kabbalah was hidden over the centuries and unlocked only in or generation…
      I think my desire for the week one lessons have been satisfied by life experience but I am eager to receive the perspective presented so that I may shed light on the experience for others!

    • #51992

      To understand life better understand myself better so I can handle situations better

    • #51971

      I want to know the meaning of life, my higher self and the connection between me and everything else

    • #51938
      Kitty Cat

      I want to be able to make more guided decisions and feel like what I’m doing is right.

      I would also like to feel harmonious with Nature. I wish for the ability to discern from what is right and wrong and what I should be doing.

    • #51922
      tefo bogosi

      A greater understanding of myself and the worl that surrounds me.

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