Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37693

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #426732

      This entire lesson blew my mind! I used to be so afraid of the idea of no free will, but now I see where the scientific arguments lack and how our true free will makes so much more sense than what I imagined things to be like. Understanding that I have this point in the heart that has been awakened, and how becoming more like the Creator can bring true free will is actually freeing!

    • #426119

      I lived my life in isolation as a shut in. I now am unable to connect properly with others. This has made me confront a hard truth I’ve been avoiding.

    • #426085

      I am experience so many things in my life that though they seemed harsh at the time we perfect for my growth. Frankly even coming to Kabu. I somehow arrived here as a miracle. Now I can look back and see how I was being guided here from years ago. It’s amazing to me as I reflect on it. I just want to stay “awake” in the NOW so I realise that is happening right now and I am being guided even though at every moment I may not realise it. I want to celebrate and be thankful to the CREATOR, in everyone I meet and everything I see. THERE IS NO ONE BUT HE

    • #424775

      When the desire for spirituality- the Point in

      the Heart-finally appears, the Creator places a

      person in an environment that will allow the

      soul to develop to perfection.

      Now I see  clear, when I look back at the last 7 years of my life why things happened. Everything was unfolded in perfect order to guide me here.   Kabbalah Wisdom as final destination.

    • #417470

      I kept thinking this topic of free will and freedom was obvious and irrelevant, until I read that quote saying that the Creator never punishes our actions, (since we have no free will,) but only our choice of environment. This is a very useful piece of information for interpreting the cause of suffering from our own perspective.

      I love that YouTube video where Tony says the Creator strikes us where we are “most encrusted” with our expectations about how things SHOULD be that we are blocking the Creator from manifesting that situation in the way that we want because He doesn’t appear to us to be doing it right. Instead we can think about what part of our choice of environment seems to be convincing us that some other force besides the Creator is operating and we should exit some force of our own to change it. If we stop doing that and step back and think correctly, and choose the environment that facilitates correct thinking… then we can stop being crusty right there and let the Light through. lol

    • #415581
      Akosua Marie

      Nothing really blew my mind because I have understood this principle through the many different things I have learn/read/practiced over the years. However, it solidify the importance of focusing on choosing the right thoughts at all times. I am practicing this to avoid drawing negativity and resentment in my life so I can reach the best possible environment in order for my soul to blossom and get closer to the Creator.

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