Share a few words about your impression in the forum with the other students taking this course with you, and check out what they’re feeling too. 

New Home Forums Course Forums Standing On The Threshold 6: Post-Material World Share a few words about your impression in the forum with the other students taking this course with you, and check out what they’re feeling too. 

  • #42505

    Share a few words about your impression in the forum with the other students taking this course with you, and check out what they’re feeling too. 

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 72 total)
  • Author
    • #409860

      we are all integral. We can’t have one without the other.

    • #382290

      This is enlightening, gets me to desire more, to go deeper.

    • #374837


    • #370520

      I feel such profound relief to finally be shown the purpose of this life and how to attain the fulfillment of this purpose. Many thanks to my KABU teachers and fellow students for being sparks and sharing the soul. I am so excited to move forward and join our intention to be united with each other and the creator to attain the upper worlds in unity.

    • #366548

      very grateful to have been directed to kabu it has shown me purpose – meaning and the way to achieve the goal that we are meant to achieve – thank you – I feel extremely drawn to kabu

    • #365818

      There is lot of light and pleasure in the transitional world of Assiya but also a lot of suffering, while my soul yearns for it I find it impossible to connect to any people in my life or relate to them.. i don’t know how to make or be friends or have relationship with anyone.. i prefer to keep moving past this transitory state and take root / setup base as near to the influence of Creator as I can

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 72 total)
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