Share a few words about your impression in the forum with the other students taking this course with you, and check out what they’re feeling too. 

New Home Forums Course Forums Standing On The Threshold 6: Post-Material World Share a few words about your impression in the forum with the other students taking this course with you, and check out what they’re feeling too. 

  • #42505

    Share a few words about your impression in the forum with the other students taking this course with you, and check out what they’re feeling too. 

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 73 total)
  • Author
    • #60697

      I am understanding the concepts but as my posts to this point shows I know I am not experiencing what others in this forum are, but my desire is still strong for the experiencing of the creator’s qualities.

    • #60344

      I feel as I’m beginning to grasp the essence of who we truly are as a whole.. the illusion of separation is slowly being dispelled

    • #60235

      Thank you…this has been eye opening to me, I feel I understand the purpose of nature and the importance of connection on a deeper level!

    • #60069

      I  understand that we are all connected to the root of the nature. We are rising to the next level and our conscious being hopefully helps us reaching a clearer sight and vision as to what concerns the future on Earth, where we can help each other and therethrough become more loving souls with a greater meaning of life and a larger respect for nature and for all other living beings.

      Love and peace.

    • #60058
      Rune T. A.

      Hi all.

      I have heard and read a lot about the new age of aqarious and the mayan calandar the Dalai Lamas thoughts of the new century and the earth´s shift into the next dimension. This summes it all up and make much more tangible and NOT believable but REAl to me. I hope more and more people will look to Kabbalah and Bnei Baruch in the nearest future.

      Peace must be, now.

    • #60033

      Connection is the antidote to mental illness and delusion

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 73 total)
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