Thought exercise: what should be the characteristics of a “new and improved” human being? And can we pretend to become such humans right now?

New Home Forums Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #2: WHO ARE WE? Thought exercise: what should be the characteristics of a “new and improved” human being? And can we pretend to become such humans right now?

  • #28658


    Thought exercise: what should be the characteristics of a “new and improved” human being? And can we pretend to become such humans right now?

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    • #418936

      New and improved human being treated everyone (plants, animals and other humans) equal.  No one’s life is more important than another. Everything has the right to live in fulfillment and harmony. And yes we can do it, even if we start from just pretending ( like a experiment)

    • #367378
      Lu Lu

      We can pretend to become more loving and caring and funny enough it actually works. It can teach ohters to do the same for a better world.

    • #304787
      Purity K

      Characteristics of a “new and improved” human being: One that cares for the environment and animals. Loving his fellow like himself and taming his ego.

    • #291421
      Adelina Santos

      Yes, I think we can, because by pretending to become that something we become that something. If we want to bestow gradually we will prepare ourselves to the intention of bestowal.

    • #289688

      deze mensen denken niet alleen aan zichzelf maar tonen zich bekommerd om de medemens. We proberen dat  zeker in deze cursus   kabbakah helptons te beseffen dat eer meer is dan de wil to ontvangen maar dat we meer moeten leren  denken aan een goede omgeving  en meer moeten leren geven , zo bouwen we een spirituele  omgeving en komen we ook aan  dieper contact met onze creator

    • #288960

      A new and improved human must be a friend of Nature, to know Its laws and patterns, to understand his involvement in the unfolding of all Its events. It must be integrated both in itself and in the self of others, without having ego crises. He must be free and know how to love, know how to dissolve his boundaries and unite with the whole.

      Some people are already like that, others have a good chance of quickly becoming like that in a favorable environment, but there are also those who still need to be educated.

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