What is the correct way to give to others?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self What is the correct way to give to others?

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 101 total)
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    • #43852
      UÄŸur Kafadar

      first, we need to start whatever our underlying intention is. Then we need to start to give for the sake of giving. Later on, when we succeed on this step, then we can learn how to give for the sake of creator.

    • #43794

      To correctly give to others you must want for them to receive fulfillment for no sake but theirs. Something we cannot do ourselves, but only through act from above do we become capable of this.

    • #43658

      The correct way to give others is when I annul my self and made my friends needs my priority.

    • #43653

      The correct way to give to others is as though the greatest privilege ever has been bestowed upon you. How often in the entire universe do we get to give to the creator itself? The correct way is to get high off of giving. Literally, in the flesh.

    • #43607
      tefo bogosi

      To give without expectation

    • #43583
      Renate Jacobsohn

      Mindfulness is one of the main ways to give

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 101 total)
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